Thursday, January 21, 2010

Legend of the Weeker: Light

Plot Synopsis: The episode opens with Denna breaking in on a sewing circle. The gang catches up to her. They're chasing Denna since she stole the compass. Denna hurts a few of the nuns and then escapes with Richard and the ladies on her trail. Turns out she did the old switcheroo and Denna ends up capturing Zedd. She gets him to cover their tracks, which he does but still leaves flower breadcrumbs. Unfortunately, Richard has been getting debilitating headaches. A few slightly creepy nuns approach and tell them that he is becoming a wizard. Apparently there is something called Han that flows through wizards and it will kill Richard if he doesn't fix it. They are Sisters of the Light and want to take him to the Palace of the Prophets where they will train him to become a wizard.

One of the sisters takes his pain away and dies from it. Kahlan convinces him to go to cure himself and they have a heart to heart about leaving. Cara unsuccessfully tries to come with. Leaving, Richard argues with Verna about wizard stuff and visiting the old world. Zedd continues to be harrassed by Denna and realizes that she picked the flowers that he was leaving out. Cara and Kahlan continue to track him but are attacked by a group of D'haran soldiers. They dispatch them but Kahlan is dinged up. She confesses one of the soldiers who tells her where to find Denna.

As Richard and two of the Sisters are walking along they are attacked by a creature called a Mriswith, which is cloaked and takes one of the Sisters. Richard wants to search for it but the leader Sister does not want to. She takes Richard to a friendly village. The leader tells him that the road is swarming with Mriswith. They apparently were a group of wizards who transformed themselves to win a battle. Nice dedication to the cause. The village leader offers to sacrifice some political prisoners to distract the Mriswith but Richard is having none of it. Meanwhile Zedd turns two corpses that Denna kills into his and Denna's duplicates, but gets her to leave the compass to the Stone of Tears.

Sister Verna tries to get Richard to sacrifice the prisoners. Richard continues to reject this idea. He instead convinces her to free the prisoners. The leader of the prisoners, a woman named Du'Chaillu tells Richard that they were tricked into coming to the village. They escape and are apprehended by the villagers. However the Mriswith attack and Richard says that they are going to fight them. In the Midlands, Kahlan gets her wound infected. Cara seals the wound with her agiel causing Kahlan to pass out. They then come upon Zedd's and Cara's fake corpses.

While Denna and Zedd hang out eating food. He tries to talk her out of training him. She tries to force him to eat but he spills his drink on it. This causes a cloud to come up. Kahlan correctly relaizes that it is a tracer cloud over Zedd. Richard and his new friends reach the Mudflats where he can see the footsteps of the Mriswirth. The leader of the prisoners is captured. Richard enters the Mriswirth lair kills one and it turns out that it was the other Sister. The Mriswith have been transforming people that they capture into their own kind.

Denna keeps harassing Zedd. He then tells her that she has no friends. BURN! Zedd also tells her that her attempts to gain power will attract Richard's attention. Just as she is about to change her ways. Cara kills her. Zedd laments about this for a second, but then forgets about it and asks about Richard. Richard frees Du'Chaillu who is being held in a larva sack. She tells him about other prisoners and Richard frees one and then the leader of the villagers is already turned and promptly dispatched. The villagers and their enemies decide to work together to kill the Mriswith. Zedd and Kahlan decide to name a new Seeker. The episode closes with Richard talking to Sister Verna about loved ones and being apart from them.

Commentary: So the gang splits up yet again. This time it looks like it will go on for a long story arc unless wizard training takes like a day. I still think the show works best when everyone is together. However it might be nice for a break in the pace. The plot lines were getting a bit stale before this. It will be also be interesting because Richard has never been separated from the gang. He will be all on his own with the slightly creepy Sisters of the Light. In the meantime the rest of the gang has to press on to try to find the Stone of Tears and to seal the veil.

Starting off with Richard, how does his becoming a wizard affect his Seeking? He will obviously gain new powers. Along with the Sword of Truth, will be this too much power for Richard? We know that Zedd is already worried about him gaining too much power like his ancestors. Gaining a brand new set of wizard powers will not do much to alleviate those fears. I also question Richard and Kahlan's judgement sending Richard off with these creepy sisters. They are a bit too similar to those people in the park that you get your kids to stay away from.

The other half of the gang heads off to find the Stone of Tears. To do this they are going to have to name a new Seeker in the interim. I take it this new Seeker is going to conveniently die as soon as Richard gets back. Though Zedd also named himself Seeker in the Wizard episode and then Richard got the name back when he came around. I guess the Seeker-pro-tempore rules are not very well explained. Best of luck to this new Seeker. May you die acceptably.

With Richard off in Wizard school (Hogwarts?) the interactions between Kahlan and Cara are now in central focus. I actually thought that these were a bit forced this episode. The whole Cara being tired but too proud to admit it and projecting on Kahlan seemed trite. Kahlan passing out after having her wound sealed was a bit sitcomish. There were some good moments and since the focus will now be centered on this relationship, it will probably get worked out. Speaking of Kahlan, what was with her dress and boots? First of all, shouldn't she actually wear the Confessor's white dress? Probably not since she looks fantastic and a half. Not sure about the makeup though.

Richard and Kahlan Romance Index: 7 out of 10.

It is really hard to gauge this index. They love each other. They can't have sex. In this episode, they have a passionate goodbye kiss. Good times. I will have to think of some other index. Let me know in the comments if you have any good ideas.

Zedd's Creepiness Factor: 6 out of 10.

This metric will never go anywhere. Hanging out with Denna he whined and refused dinner. He then finally gets through to Denna with the incredibly jerky comment that he has more friends with her. She actually gets upset by this and reconsiders her ways just long enough to get shot by Cara in the back. Zedd wistfully watches her fall down a cliff and then proceeds to get over it in about 10 minutes.

Notable Quotes:

Kahlan: "I can't live in a world without you."
Richard: "Kahlan..."
Kahlan: "Richard, if you love me. You'll do this."

Richard: "Once you've found Zedd and the compass, you may have to name a new Seeker to find the Stone of Tears."
Kahlan: "Richard..."
Richard: "The quest is bigger than one man. Take it."

Richard: "I love you... and I will be back."

Cara: "Looks like he was able stab her. Before she killed him with the agiel."

Richard: "You said these cloaks draw their power from Wizard's blood right? Then we'll see if you're right about me."

Richard: "How can you bear to be away from your loved ones for so long."
Sister Verna: "As long as you keep them in your heart you take them wherever you go."

Editor's Note: Have your own favorite quote from the episode? Did we forget to mention your favorite moment and now you're angry? Leave it in the comments and we'll update with the best of. Like the blog? Sign up to receive our Feed through Feedburner.


Anonymous said...

I really liked this episode, except for I hate what happens. Afterwards, my friends and I went catatonic, and then really ADD for the next episode. What the hell was up with the whole thigh slits on Kahlan's dress? As soon as I saw it I knew it was going to be a recipe for disaster. And it was. I hope the gang gets together soon as I don't particularly like them separate.

Lizzie said...

I thought it was hilarious when Cara said "She's dead" so nonchalantly when the Sister of Light died. It was like she died eh...who cares. Funny so funny was it on purpose or just an acting slip up?

Lizzie said...

Oh and I agree I'm not sure about Kahlan's new dress, but from Bridget's tweets she loves it. I don't like the makeup either I like it better when she's more natural

Kerstin said...

Clearly, Kahlan and Cara went out shopping before this episode. Maybe they had a girl's day and Kahlan just wanted something different. Not that old boring white dress again. ;)
But I like her new dress, suits her well.

I found the relationship between her and Cara quite charming. They work/fight very well together. Cara just wants to show some Com-Passion... but I think she enjoyed to "heal" Kahlan with her aigiel.
It must be a bit of a hurt for Denna that Cara has now FRIENDS and she is still alone and can't return to her Mord Sith Sisters because she failed twice. Maybe Zedd wasn't so wrong at all with his harassment.
Will Denna come back? I guess she have met Darken Rahl by now and she will REALLY be ardent to become a baneling.

Those sisters are some kind of weird. They look some kind of frustrated.

Joanna Ruth Meyer said...

I liked this episode a lot—probably my fave of Season Two thus far. I thought the Kahlan/Cara pair-up was hilarious, and there were a lot of Cara-being-unknowingly-insensitive moments that cracked me up.

And don't ditch the romance index! It's one of my fave parts of your weekly reviews, and I find that it matches up pretty evenly with my SQUEE index. :-) I thought it was super cute how he was clinging to her when he was suffering under the randomly-life-threatening-wizard-headaches (RLTWH). :-)

Oh, and the wizard-monsters-in-pods totally reminded me of the Wraith from Stargate Atlantis.

Kerstin said...

Oh, and the wizard-monsters-in-pods totally reminded me of the Wraith from Stargate Atlantis.
With cloaks they've borrowed from Harry Potter. :)

the randomly-life-threatening-wizard-headaches (RLTWH)
*lol* I would get headaches too if I have to remember all the names and titles I have called by now. Richard, Seeker, Lord Rahl etc...

Misha said...

Richard is definitely running for every position available in the Midlands. Good thoughts on Denna probably coming back. As Craig Parker (Darken Rahl) said himself, that noone really stays dead for long in the world of LOTS.

I don't think I will get rid of the romance index. I just need a way to modify it because they are clearly in love. It's also interesting how long Richard will be separated from Kahlan. The show has a completely different dynamic with the gang split up.

pnayxkay said...
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pnayxkay said...

Kahlan's new outfit doesn't suit her character at all. She's supposed to represent justice for the people of the Midlands and she is still pure because she can't be with Richard in the traditional sense and hasn't chosen a mate. For these reasons, wearing white is thematically appropriate. This new dominatrix get-up and dark eye makeup seems like the producers' attempt to increase her sex-appeal and eventually the show's ratings. I wouldn't mind so much that her outfit changed, but I would have appreciated some sort of explanation in the plot as to why her new outfit puts Cara's to shame. The writers could have briefly added in an explanation (e.g. her white dress put her in danger of being recognized since she was the last known Confessor, it got stolen, etc.)

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with you Kayla. I'm sure her new outfit got a lot of teen age boys to watch the show, but it takes away the respectability of her character. And the change was completely out of the blue. At first it was a nice change, mixing it up a tittle. But then Its her every day thing, and its not very convenient if you ask me. But I guess the new dress isn't to bad, but the eyeliner kind of takes it over the top, because: 1 when would she find the time to put it one while travailing to find the stone of tears. Its not like there about to go fight some banelings and she's like "Hold on one second I'm almost done! Crap it smeared, got to start over. Hold on Richard I'll be there in a second" 2 I didn't think they had Make up in the Midlands let alone that world. and 3 it just takes away the innocence -- in a away -- that she seemed to have before, and like I said, she seems less respectable.

Anonymous said...

I just watched a rerun of this episode. am I the only one who remembers that one episod in the first season, I think it was the fith episode, were zedd was makeing richard slice fruit and made a melon invisable the whole "to see that which is not there gaze upon what is." If he rememberd that it would have helped, a lot.

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