Plot Synopsis: To open the episode we find our friends fighting a large group of D'haran soldiers. Kahlan confesses one of them and he tells that a General Griggs is trying to take the throne. We later find the good general commanding to destroy a village with a whisper, the WMD from episode Deception. He is then invited by a naked lady to an unknown event. The gang catches up on the camp and splits up with Zedd and Kahlan going to stop the whisper from going off and Cara and Richard going after the general. Kahlan and Zedd run up to the village about to be destroyed. Zedd casts a deafness spell protecting the village.
Richard and Cara catch up to the General who is visiting a brothel. The brothel is run by none other than Denna, the Mord Sith who trained Richard. She tells them that the general is gone. However he is being trained by Denna who is building some sort of weapon. Tricky one that one. Richard sends Cara to meet Kahlan and Zedd. Before she has a chance to leave, Denna tries to get her to switch sides. Meanwhile Richard is being seduced by a prostitute. She feeds him a story about a son. Sounds kind of fishy. She tells him that the General has never left and there is some meeting of D'haran commanders.
Just as she is about to tell Richard everything, Denna barges in. She tries to seduce Richard, his woman is being captured outside. Richard tries to help her but is drugged by a dart. Denna takes Lucinda prisoner, has her slaughtered, and puts the spirit of another Mord Sith into her body, so she can stop Kahlan, Cara and Zedd from rescuing Richard. Richard is captured and Denna tells him that she needs a claim to the actual throne of D'hara.
As Cara is waiting for Zedd and Richard, she is attacked by Lucinda. Kahlan stops her. Just then Lucinda tells them that she is Dennee, Kahlan's sister. While Richard is captured by Denna, she has the general kill himself. She then kills Richard. Kahlan has a debate with her sister about Cara. Just then Cara realizes that her agiels are not working, which signifies the death of Richard. He's busy hanging out in the underworld with Darken Rahl. Darken Rahl tells him that Denna plans to put the soul of General Griggs into Richard's body.
The general's soul is transferred into Richard's body and he is brought back to life by Denna. He assumes the title of Lord Rahl in Richard's body. Richard takes command of the armies of D'hara in a pretty badass way.
New Dennee and Zedd go to find the sorcerer at the palace. New Dennee manages to confess the sorcerer but he tells that he can only bring back either the Seeker or the Lucinda. Kahlan and Cara break in. Kahlan kills Richard and just then the soldiers run in. They are about to kill the ladies, but the confessed guard from earlier runs in with a whisper, threatening to kill everyone. Seeing their Lord Rahl dead, and not wanting to hear the shadow people, the soldiers withdraw leaving Denna alone with Kahlan, Cara and Richard's body. Kahlan and Cara leave with dead Richard.
As they prepare the ceremony to return alive old Richard, Cara apologizes to New Dennee. The sorcerer brings back Richard's soul and Cara brings him back with the Breath of Life. He kisses Kahlan and is overjoyed to see everyone. They leave New Dennee with Lucinda's family and the confessed soldier. They then leave to find Denna who stole the compass pointing to the Stone of Tears. What a jerk!
Commentary: Uh... what just happened? There was so much going on in this episode I had to keep rewinding back and figuring out who was who. We saw the return of Denna, as well as the semi return of Dennee. Man you just can't keep that girl down. She has now come back from the dead twice, after extended periods of time where everyone thought she was dead. Hopefully she can stay out of trouble for a while. As for Denna it is always interesting to see her. She is a pretty well developed multifaceted character who is constantly causing trouble for Richard.
On the topic of people not staying dead, how many times will Richard visit the underworld this season. I'm betting on five visits and about twelve interactions with Darken Rahl. By the way how ticked off do you think Darken Rahl is getting? For that matter the Keeper must be furious with him. It's not really clear why the Keeper keeps him around as a right hand man. He may have been the cat's pajamas in the world of the living but he is completely incompetent in the world of the dead. So far he has managed to close the gates really really slowly when Zedd and Richard were almost trapped and burn Richard while he was in the underworld. That's the best you can come up with? Fail!
You know who was awesome in this episode? Cara. I really appreciated her presence in this episode. She is like the red devil on Richard's shoulder telling him to take control of D'hara and rule it with an iron fist. However, she defers to Richard on her decisions for various reasons, not the least of which is that he saved her life on several occasions. You can definitely tell from the conversation that she has with Denna that she would like nothing more than Richard claiming the throne of D'hara. By the way, how useful is her Breath of Life thing? It's like a video game if one of them dies, they can just call her over and revive them. Good times.
It will be interesting to see what happens now that Richard can see that the majority of the D'haran army will be willing to follow him if he truly wants to. While taking the throne has been something that Richard was too busy for, he is definitely not above taking it should the need arise. If the Keeper's army actually approaches, he will need the D'haran to fight them off. Of course that will play into the Keeper's bring the dead people back strength. All crazy things that Richard has to consider. At least he didn't get another bombshell dropped on him this episode. I swear the next person he runs into is going to tell him some absurd technicality that he has to abide by. Like only being able to fight with one hand.
Richard and Kahlan Romance Index: 7 out of 10.
First thing that Richard does when getting back from being roasted with weird green fire by Darken Rahl is to start a makeout session with Kahlan in front of all their friends. Way to be awkward. We haven't had any so close but so far away moments between Richard and Kahlan. I feel like one may be in the pipeline.
Zedd's Creepiness Factor: 4 out of 10.
His deafening spell was pretty quick thinking. Then he begins to talk about the various woodlands creatures that probably survived. Thanks Zedd. I like the plan to send New Dennee in to confront the sorcerer and then stopping him at the last minute. Needless danger! YES!!!
Notable Quotes:
Denna: "Tonight... It seems the pleasure is all night."
Richard: "Denna?"
Denna: "Safe journey Cara. I'll take good care of Richard."
Cara: "If he has so much as a scratch when I get back... You'll be sorry."
Cara: "If the bond has been severed, it can only mean one thing... Richard is dead."
Darken Rahl: "How wonderful to see you again my brother. Welcome to the Underworld."
Richard: "I didn't think I was going to see you again... Any of you."
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