Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Legend of the Weeker: Torn

Plot Synopsis: In this week's episode we find the gang following the compass to the most romantic spot in the Midlands. Unfortunately they come along some corpses hanging after being tortured to death. They find a seal of Aydindril on a sign near them. Apparently some guy named Fyren has taken control of Aydindril and is ruling with an iron fist. A wizard steals an amulet from the crypt and uses it as he is killed. The amulet takes him to Kahlan.

They decide to split up with Kahlan and Zedd heading to Aydindril and Cara and Richard maintaining the search for the Stone of Tears. As they take the amulet, Kahlan splits up into two people. One remaining with Richard and the other heading to tend to her duties in Aydindril. To make matters easier I will refer to the one that stays with Richard as Passionate Kahlan and the one with Zedd as Dutiful Kahlan.

The Passionate Kahlan decides to go to Aydindril thinking that Zedd will be in trouble. Meanwhile, Dutiful Kahlan who is hanging out with Zedd immediately runs over to Prince Fyren and confesses him, rightfully taking the throne of Aydindril. Unfortunately the power of the Mother Confessor is only transferred to Dutiful Kahlan. Passionate Kahlan realizes that she has lost her power in the midst of battle. She is upset by the lack of her Confessor power.

Meanwhile Dutiful Kahlan is reviewing edicts. She is surprisingly harsh to the letter of the law. Zedd realizes that something is wrong but he maintains his loyalty. As Passionate Kahlan and Richard are spending the night, Passionate Kahlan suggests that they sleep together seeing as she doesn't have her powers. Surprisingly, Dutiful Kahlan has decided that Fyren will sire the next Confessor and sleeps with him. This gets PG-13.

About as PG-13 as this show gets.

As the sun rises, Passionate Kahlan becomes way too clingy. She starts talking about children and never leaving. Ugh! She also starts being all jealous when Cara takes a leaf out of Richard's hair. Richard has to stop a girl fight which causes Passionate Kahlan runs off all huffy. It becomes clear that Passionate Kahlan has all the emotions and Dutiful Kahlan has kept all the prudence. Richard comes to the same conclusion and they head off to Aydindril.

Dutiful Kahlan conflicts with Zedd over her taking a new mate. She also disbands the Council of the Midlands citing their incompetence. Zedd discuses this with a local wizard and is captured as the other wizard has already been confessed. Dutiful Kahlan sentences Zedd to hang for treason as Passionate Kahlan, Richard, and Cara run into the square. Everyone is confused.

Richard goes to see Dutiful Kahlan and asks to see Zedd. Zedd explains how the amulet split up Kahlan. Richard decides to debate Kahlan to try to get her back together. His general thesis rests oh the fact that Dutiful Kahlan lacks compassion. He then shows off Passionate Kahlan. Dutiful Kahlan is pretty snooty and Passionate Kahlan begins to fight with her. Neither wants to go back to being one person. A fight breaks out. Cara stops the wizard but Dutiful Kahlan manages to confess Passionate Kahlan.

Too bad for Dutiful Kahlan, Cara stops her and threatens to kill her. Before things are set right, both claim that they could be with child. JERRY! JERRY! JERRY! Zedd checks them out and neither are with child. Awkward. Zedd puts them back together again. Seeing that the other wizard is not confessed anymore they realize that the two people were in fact destroyed. The newly put together Kahlan has no memories of what happened. Although she wishes that remembered her tryst with Richard. She chooses to have her sister rule over Aydindril with the reinstated council as she will continue on the quest with Richard. Good times.

Commentary: Obscure references to tabloid talk shows from the nineties aside, Richard finally hooked up with Kahlan! Or rather with a version of Kahlan that has limited logic capabilities. Apparently, from the last five minutes, we are just going to ignore this. Since the Kahlan version that he slept with should have never existed, then in naturally follows that anything that she did was invalid. Seems kind of immoral to me of Richard. The obvious excuse is that he had no idea that this wasn't the actual Kahlan but the point seems moot. At the end of the day you slept with a girl and then had her killed. Awkward.

So I am going to go off on a bit of a nerd tangent and talk about the similarities between this episode and the episode of the original Star Trek called The Enemy Within. In it, Captain Kirk is split into a good and evil persona. While the good Kirk is compassionate he is completely unable to make hard decisions lacking the uncaring evil side. In our episode, the two parts of Kahlan were split in a similar way. Individually they are bad as a ruler and lover. Additionally, in a personal pet peeve that I already mentioned, the two parts of Kahlan, which were two distinct beings were destroyed at the end of the episode. Doesn't this trigger a moral alarm bell for anybody?

The split between the two parts of Kahlan wasn't completely clear to me either. Kahlan's dutiful side seemed to certainly have emotions, just lacked those emotions that she had for Richard. However the duties of the Mother Confessor seem to be about more than just ruling over Aydindril. There wasn't a clear split between the two Kahlans. Dutiful Kahlan was just a jerk, and Passionate Kahlan was a clingy wench. I couldn't think of a single clear split between them. Emotional and rational seemed to be natural, but both Kahlans had inclinations towards facets of the other. I guess the split could be between the Kahlan that wanted to be with Richard and the one that wants to go home and rule Aydindril but that seems illogical.

I love how this episode yet again shows off Richard's debating skill. Him and Kahlan should join up with the Midlands debate team. Like I mentioned before, it was a bit strange as to why Dutiful Kahlan was such a jerk. I get that she wanted to help the people of Aydindril but was enacting a bunch of archaic laws the best way to do so? She also seemed to delight in her position. That wasn't logical or rational at all. She was just annoying. Though it was fun to see this devious side of Kahlan. As always Cara proves to be an invaluable asset to the gang with her grabbing Dutiful Kahlan just in the nick of time.

Richard and Dutiful Kahlan Romance Index: 0 out of 10

Dutiful Kahlan wasn't having any of Richard. Unless you count impassioned pleas of debate, little romance to be had here. Plus she hooked up with Prince Fyren... many times.

Richard and Passionate Kahlan Romance Index: 10 out of 10.

She was everything he ever wanted. For a night. Then she saw Cara harmlessly cleaning a leaf out of his hair and got all controlling and needy. And he just wanted things to be cool. This is probably about as much romance as we're going to get out of these two. It was strange that Whole Kahlan wasn't more upset after the fact. "So let me get this straight... you slept with one half of me?"

Zedd's Creepiness Factor: 10 out of 10.

If you saw the episode you know what I am going to say. Zedd apparently can moonlight as a gynecologist who can detect pregnancies. While staring straight ahead with a dead serious look on his face. If I was either of the two Kahlan's, I would definitely ask for a second opinion.

Notable Quotes:

Kahlan: "I wish I didn't have to go."

Dutiful Kahlan: "But Fyren and I have been intimate... many times."
Zedd: "Both of you are nothing but magical fragments. Conception under such circumstances would be impossible."

Kahlan: "Richard there are some things that you told me that I'm glad I don't remember. Some I wish I did."

Richard: "You know I'd understand if you did want to stay."
Kahlan: "I'll always be torn... But I can only be in one place at a time. And right now that place is with you."

Editor's Note: Have your own favorite quote from the episode? Did we forget to mention your favorite moment and now you're angry? Leave it in the comments and we'll update with the best of. Like the blog? Sign up to receive our Feed through Feedburner.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Legend of the Weeker: Perdition

Plot Synopsis: Richard is awoken by Sister Verna in the Palace of the Prophets. He believes that he has escaped and thinks this is a trick. Sister Verna leads him to Kahlan who introduces him to her daughter! Then her husband, Phillip, walks into the picture. She tells him that he has been gone seven years, there have been three Seekers named, and the underworld has taken over. Richard doesn't believe any of it. He goes to the Prelate, who tells him he is a full blown wizard and he is just confused.

Banelings break into the gate and Richard uses some wizard powers to stop them. He tries to inspire confidence, and we zoom out to see him wandering around a desert. The Prelate and Sister Verna see him wandering around and explain that he is trapped inside experiencing his worst fear. They refuse to help him. Instead they walk up to Sister Nicci who is held prisoner in the palace.

The rest of the gang, is following the compass to Richard and/or the Stone of Tears. Leo talks about birds with Cara in yet another awkward conversation. Nicci is being interrogated by the Prelate. She gives her the names of other Sisters of Dark. In the mean time, those sisters infuse a spider with magical powers and it frees Sister Nicci from her Radahan. She breaks free and meets up with the other Sisters of the Dark. They tell her of the new prophecy.

In the process of searching for Richard, Leo tells Kahlan a story about how hearing the stories of Richard's exploits helped him beat an enemy back. She seems to be warming to the idea of him as a Seeker. Meanwhile Richard is still struggling with the desert. In his dream he lets in all the banelings by believing that Cara was not one of them. They kill everyone, including Kahlan and her Seeker husband and daughter. Elsewhere, Zedd becomes slightly worried about Richard. Leo takes off his shirt by the fire. They... errm... "wrestle around" for a bit.

The next day he tries to talk to her about the night before. He also tries to give her a flower. Doesn't work. Kahlan tries to have a girl talk with her. They then reach the Palace of the Prophets. The Prelate lies to her and attempts to seal the palace. In his fantasy Richard meets with Darken Rahl who tells him that there is noone left to kill him, so now he has to wonder around a wasteland for the rest of his days. In the real world, Kahlan begins to sense that something isn't right with the Prelate. Cara confesses her feelings for Leo. Aww yeah!

Another Sister comes to deliver them food. Kahlan reads her and realizes that they have been had. They go yell at the Prelate to let them out. The Prelate stabs Zedd with her Dacra which can only be removed by a Sister of the Light. A bunch of Sisters arm themselves, as do Leo and Cara. Kahlan threatens to confess a sister. This Mexican standoff continues for a while until Sister Verna pulls out the Dacra. She is sick of listening to the Prelate and helps the gang escape and head out to meet Richard in Perdition.

Zedd goes to get them right as they are attacked by Nicci and the Sisters of the Dark. Zedd goes down by a blast from Nicci. Richard is still hanging out in his desert. He now sees a vision of Kahlan who tells him to take her hand and commit suicide to the underworld. Richard realizes that Kahlan is lying to him and realizes that the whole thing was an illusion. He snaps out of his dream and goes to help his friends.

As the fight continues, Cara stops one attack on Kahlan from Nicci. As she gears up a lightning attack, Leo jumps in the way of it. NOOOOOO LEO!!!!

RIP Leo. Just as things look grim for our gang of friends, Richard picks up the Sword of Truth in one of the more badass scenes I have seen in this show. He stops Nicci's attack with the Sword of Truth. As he is holding her back, Zedd blasts her with Wizard's Fire. Nicci and her sisters are defeated and Kahlan and Richard share a passionate kiss as Sister Verna and Zedd look on. Cara, meanwhile, is grieving over Leo's charred corpse. Poor Leo. They burn his body and Cara leaves the flower he gave her on his body and admits she had feelings for him. She gives Richard back his compass and they get back to their quest.

Commentary: First of all, let me say that this was one of the more exciting episodes of Legend of the Seeker this season. The fight at the end was pretty exhilarating and I guess I'm just a sucker for those "saved you at the nick of time" moments.

However I can't help but notice that we've had this plot line already. Richard gets trapped in a world and the gang has to work to get him out. Sounds a lot like the episode Home. Any time anything weird happens to Richard he should automatically assume that it is a ruse. Also I was curious about Richard's Han now that Sister Nicci was killed. Does the Han revert back to him? If not, can he ever get that back? It seems that being the most powerful wizard of all time would be kind of helpful when fighting everyone.

Oh Leo. You only made it through two episodes before being fried like a burger at the Fourth of July. At least he went out like a hero for Kahlan. She didn't even have to confess him. Speaking of that, Kahlan is a bit like a black widow. How many guys die, immediately after being confessed by her? With all the confessing she has done, I think I can count on one hand the confessed people who survived. Back to Leo, his relationship with Cara was just getting off the ground. They hooked up after hanging out in the rain. I'm sure all that leather and rainwater is a bad combination. It will be interesting to see how's Cara demeanor changes. Will we see her picking flowers and playing with chipmunks? Unlikely.

You can add the Prelate to the list of worthless characters in the Legend of the Seeker universe. Her prophecies have to be some of the most useless things. They appear every couple of thousand years. And then they are incredibly specific to the current cause-du-jour. I mean if they were waiting a thousand years for that Mother Confessor prophecy, how long are they gonna have to wait for the next one? And nothing important happened in between prophecies? They couldn't have gotten a prophecy to like stop a famine sometime in the last millennium. Lastly her solutions to her problems always seem asinine. Seems like her plan is always some kind of nuclear option that involves a bunch of people dying. You would figure that a leader of a group of deeply spiritual people would have more humane plans.

Speaking of the Sisters of the Light, their spirituality was never really explained. In Richard's dream world, their beliefs caused them to commit mass suicide. The whole idea of the Creator as a balance to the Keeper seems strange. Is this world analogous to ancient Greece where everyone went to the Underworld? Or are some people allowed into a Legend of the Seeker heaven? Seems like the former is true, but I am not sure. I also loved how the dresses that Sisters of the Light wear reflect how attractive they are. The more attractive ones have low cut dresses. The homelier ones have are completely covered up, Amish style. It also would have been nice to get any sort of explanation as to why Kahlan changed her dress. Is she ever going to go back to the Confessor's white? I feel like this part of the story was just cut out and they never went back to explain it.

Richard and Kahlan Romance Index: 7 out of 10.

Richard's love for Kahlan is what breaks Richard out of the Valley of Perdition. That has to be some love. His first action as soon as he gets out is to pick up the Sword of Truth from a smoldering Leo and then block a shot of magic lightning directed at Kahlan. After Sister Nicci is defeated, Richard grabs Kahlan and shows her how much he has missed her. As Zedd and Sister Verna watch... Which leads us to:

Zedd's Creepiness Factor: 7 out of 10.

His weird smile while watching Kahlan and Richard make out? What the hell was that? You couldn't turn away and go see about that Seeker-pro-tempore that you had named just a few weeks ago? That's his freshly charred corpse over there. His interaction with the Prelate were also pretty awesome. I love it when Zedd threatens other senior citizens.

Notable Quotes:

Sister Verna: "She's gone."

Prelate: "And she's taken Richard's magic with her. The most powerful Han the world has ever known."

Leo: "A rider arrived, with news that the Seeker had driven back the D'harans at the Battle of Rising Ridge. It was one man against hundreds. It inspired us.. to break through the D'haran line."

Kahlan: "I hope you get a chance to tell him that story."

Leo: "I will."

Leo: "Where I come from the man does that."

Cara: "Then what are you waiting for?"

Zedd: "You better hope your magic is faster than wizard's fire."

Richard: "You don't know how happy I am to see you."

Editor's Note: Have your own favorite quote from the episode? Did we forget to mention your favorite moment and now you're angry? Leave it in the comments and we'll update with the best of. Like the blog? Sign up to receive our Feed through Feedburner.