Monday, March 8, 2010

Midlands Bulletin: Outlook grim for third season

Things look grim for our heroes indeed as season three of Legend of the Seeker seems to be in trouble. K Site TV has gotten in touch with an executive at Tribune Entertainment who has effectively stated that the show would not be returning for a third season. As Tribune is the company that distributes Legend of the Seeker on channels such as WGN, this would effectively mean that the Legend of the Seeker would be cancelled.

However! As we know in the Legend of the Seeker universe, just because things look like they are dead does not mean they will stay that way. Mike Sussman, a co-executive producer for the show posted the following on his Twitter today:

Everyone, please, chillax. #LegendoftheSeeker has *not* been cancelled. Plans are ongoing for season three. Spread the word.

It seems to be up in the air right now so call, write, and scream from the rooftops that you want to see the show return for a third season. I will post more information as I get it.


Anonymous said...

*faints in horror*

Dana said...

so i was clicking on the view next blog button at the top and YOUR blogged popped up. i thought it was funny since i just ended the 2nd season of this show and had not heard a single thing about it before a friends told me about it. i just thought i would let you know. haha. ok im done now.

Atomic said...

Hey, if anyone wants to write the company and ask them to continue Legend of the Seeker, I think I found the right person to pester (it was hard to find, though.) Here is the link:
Chandler Hayes is listed as the director for LOTS, so I sent him (or her) an email. Good luck, and go Season 3!
(Cara rules!)

Anonymous said...

If they want to continue on for a 3rd season, they really need to revamp their story lines

Anonymous said...

I am a huge fan of your blog i LOVE zeds creepiness factor!! Keep up the good work and finish the episodes you may have missed ;)

Anonymous said...

i have to say i could not even make it through the first episode for the sole reason that it doesnt even follow the real story line and is a bunch of bullshit im surprised they even made it through a whole season let alone a second i have read the book series twice and i have to say i am very dissapointed about how this turned out. Kahlan is supposed to have red hair and green eyes not brown hair and blue eyes and the sword of truth is supposed to have the word truth on the hilt in gold wire not leather wrapped around in a fancy pattern. i wish people would stick to the actual story of a book when makeing shows or movies on them.

Anonymous said...

Also in the way of story line that is not how they met and richard wasnt building a bridge he was high up on a hill top lookeing over a lake investigateing the snake vine cuz its all the evidence that george cypher aka his fake father left behind when someone killed him in their home. He then sees her running along a trail by the lake with four guys following her at a distance he then races down the hill to get in front of her and tells her that she is being followed then they take a path that follows a cliff with a drop off to the side and a cliff face to the other and the guys then ambush them. Also zedd is like a grandfather to him and he always goes to see him and does not think of him as oh that crazy old guy that lives on the hill as the say in the show.

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