Monday, November 30, 2009

Legend of the Weeker: Touched

Plot Synopsis: The episode finds our heroes finding a night wisp. You might remember them from the series premiere. Kahlan asks for help finding any remaining confessors. One comes across a girl who apparently has a domineering father who won't let her travel or get married and locks her in a castle tower. Odd.

The gang decides to split up. Always a good idea. Kahlan and Richard will go with Flynn to find this confessor and Zedd takes Cara to Pemorah. Richard and Kahlan get to the castle only to learn that her servant poisoned her father and stole the confessor away. Apparently the father was confessed and taken as a mate with the confessor giving birth to this girl. Once the confessor died, the father locked her away in the tower. Meanwhile the servants try to sell her to some bandits who begin draining her power. With a droplet of it, the lead bandit confesses one of the servants and has him kill the other one.

Richard and Kahlan manage to rescue the girl, whose name is Annabelle, with an assist by Flynn. He gets confessed by her for his troubles. Kahlan explains her powers to her, and the fact that her father was killed. They plan to take her to get trained as a confessor. Flynn manages to become even more annoying. Zedd and Cara make it to Pemorah and are told that they need the person with the rune to get the Stone of Tears.

Kahlan talks to Annabelle
Kahlan continues to tell Annabelle about the whole last of the confessors bit. They also talk about romance. It... err... doesn't work out too well. Flynn tricks Richard and Kahlan and takes the horses. To do this Flynn stabs himself. Then he gets to hang out and do stuff with Annabelle. He even tries to go back to meet Richard and Kahlan with the rune. Annabelle refuses and then confesses another guy. Or six.

Attacking the tomb of Pemorah
Cara and Zedd attack the tomb and Zedd burns all the banelings. They head back to meet Richard and Kahlan. Annabelle then confesses Richard because she is a brat. Yeah that won't last too long. Kahlan tries to kill her but Richard stops her. Then Kahlan convinces the two to come to Pemorah. Zedd traps Richard and Flynn. Before they kill Annabelle they decide to try to use that sorcerer's draining crystal.

The gang grabs a locket from the tomb in Pemorah. Not knowing what it does, Kahlan and Cara head out to grab the sorcerer's crystal. They trick the sorcerer by pretending Kahlan is Cara's prisoner. Kahlan manages to confess the sorcerer and get the stone. Annabelle then suggests that Kahlan should... ahem... mate with Richard to produce another confessor. While under Annabelle's confession, her power would have no effect. They actually go through with this and start making out...

Richard and Kahlan making out

Will they or not
This gets slightly PG-13. Of course right before they are about to get down to it, Kahlan stops him because realizes that Richard is only doing this because Annabelle told him to. This whole show is like an awkward date. They then use the crystal to drain Annabelle of her power. Everyone turns out okay. Flynn decides to take off with Annabelle towards the ocean. Richard opens the locket and finds what appears to be a compass inside which is to lead his way... North!

Commentary: Can we please not have any more weird kids inducing complete awkwardness between Richard and Kahlan. It feels like half the episodes have this story line. We saw it in Listener, we saw it in Elixir,we saw it in Cursed. It's always a magical kid. Always making naive remarks that are incredibly apt to Richard and Kahlan's relationship. Not to mention the fact that Annabelle managed to make Flynn even more insufferable. Thank heavens he is gone!

All in all, the episode was in a lot of the places at once. Thank god the Flynn thing was resolved and we don't have to see him any more. It appears from the looks of things Annabelle won't be making a return either. Which is just fine by me. I don't mind them introducing other characters but one dimensional adventure stereotypes just aren't doing it for me. There are cool characters are out there. We need more Shota. Bring back Chase for that matter. Get him across the boundary.

The show this season might be spreading itself a bit too thin. There are too many storylines to keep track of. Last season, Richard was just going along on a quest to kill Darken Rahl and helping those he came across. This season we have the stopping the underworld arc. Richard is also officially the ruler of D'hara and is destined to fail in this quest. Now they have to deal with Kahlan being the last confessor. It makes episodes like this where everyone is everywhere a bit hasty.

Burning banelings
On that note, what is the deal with the banelings. Richard came up with the idea that they have to burn the corpses when they kill them. Apparently now Zedd can just burn them right up. That should come in handy. They also need to stock up on some oils for some impromptu flame throwers. I thought the whole Pemorah tomb was a bit too easy to get inside. Seems like the Keeper should have sent more than a few guards. The give and take between Zedd and Cara was pretty priceless though.

HD Porn
Also for no reason... HD Porn!

Kahlan and Richard Romance Index: 8 out of 10.

Richard and Kahlan
So close yet so far away. I mean you knew that Kahlan was going to stop him. Kahlan doesn't stop believing in Richard even after he was confessed. Of course, Richard and Kahlan are still madly in love with each other and can't be together or else the whole show would be over. I might have to change this to how close did they come to hooking up index.

Zedd's Creepiness Factor: 4 out of 10.

Creepy Zedd
Dude loves burning zombie soldiers. Soldier on. I also love him not being willing to use magic when alone with Cara. Come on Zedd you always liked strong women.

Notable Quotes:

Kahlan: "Our gift makes the kind of romance you've read about... impossible"

Zedd: "What's at stake is far too important to rely on probability."
Cara: "I don't believe you have the luxury of caution."

Flynn: "I can't say it's been fun. But it's been interesting."

Richard: "Kahlan, I can understand why you couldn't go through with it. But part of me wishes you had."
Kahlan: "Me too."

Richard: "We head north."

Editor's Note: Have your own favorite quote from the episode? Did we forget to mention your favorite moment and now you're angry? Leave it in the comments and we'll update with the best of. Like the blog? Sign up to receive our Feed through Feedburner.


Kerstin said...

Poor Kahlan, that was most of the most unromantic dates in the world! Not only that Richard was "in love" with Annabelle but also to jump into the woods, knowing that there are four people waiting to happen that "thing". Even the slightest thought of Cara, polishing her nails because she's bored and just want to go on would kill all my romantic feelings. Can't they just rent a Rada'Han for one night? And send the rest of the gang for a barbecue? Or something else both Zedd and Cara would enjoy?

At least we got rid of Flynn! Those two deserve each other. ;)
Btw Chase is not behind the boundary, he left with Richard and Kahlan before they've closed it. He was with the resistance, wasn't he?

Misha said...

Blast, I forgot about Chase. Of course he is on this side of the boundary. He came over to get his family out of the camps. All the more reason he should be featured more.

Anonymous said...

You are very funny. I will have to visit your blog regularly. As I read all the books, I am very disappointed with the show, but like a good little masochist, I keep watching it. Your blog is going to make that much less painful now. Thank you.

Kerstin said...


Now I have strange thoughts about Zedd telling old stories from his youth about his lovelife while Cara plays enervated with her aigiel waiting for this "thing" to happen right now. ;)

Anonymous said...

How about a "Wizard" recap for all of us Zedd fans??

Anonymous said...

Just wondering where the new posts are? Two episodes have aired since this one, and I just love reading your blog!

Anonymous said...

Also, they SAY there's no way for them to be together. But hello? Rada-Han, creepy potion, ITS NOT IMPOSSIBLE!

Lizzie said...

Don't be hating the show. I've begun reading the books. And I think the changes they made make sense it would be impractical to make the series exactly like the books. Beside Terry Goodkind is both a writer and advisor for the show so I think the changes are koshier. And if you still can't get over the changes like the books and the show as two different entities not as one being the adaptation the other.

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