Thursday, March 12, 2009

Legend of the Weeker: Listener

Richard, Kahlan, and Zedd
Synopsis: The episode opens with Richard, Kahlan, and Zedd sneaking by the D'haran Dragon Corps. The Corps is buying a boy from a peddler. The boy can read people's mind, a true listener. They plan to rescue the kid but try to get the Dragon Corps to lead them to Rahl. Zedd disguises himself and releases a bunch of shadow people near the D'harans. He then kills the shadows to make nice with the Corps.

Ren, the listener, escapes with Richard and Kahlan during the distraction. They take the kid home to his house where another family lives. The kid's father sold him. Since they can't leave him there they decide to take him to a hidden valley with the Sisters of Light. The kid runs off. To keep him from escaping Richard tries to tie his hands but Kahlan doesn't let him.

The kid acts like a little punk and alerts the D'harans to their presence. Richard gets wounded in the ensuing battle. The kid feels bad and seems more amenable to going to the hidden valley. Kahlan tells a sad story to Richard about how she was used by her father. He used to tie and her sister up if they didn't do as he said. She was eventually taken to the Sisters of Light.

Richard stares at Kahlan

Ren tells Richard that Kahlan has the same feelings for him that he does. Kahlan sings the kid a song to put him to sleep. Ren's dad finds them and convinces him to join him. He sells him to the D'harans. While all this is happening, Zedd helps a traitor to the D'harans escape but then captures him again. The traitor angers the soldiers enough so they decide to kill him. Zedd rescues the prisoner by turning him into a crow, and is thus captured.

The D'harans tell Ren to listen in on Zedd. He does but makes up a story about more traitors amidst the D'harans. A fight breaks out and Richard and Kahlan show up in the nick of time. Richard is saved by Zedd's Wizard Fire. They defeat the Dragon Corps. The gang takes Ren to the Sisters of Light and promise to come back when the Midlands are free. The traitor is turned back into a human and he tells them of something important happening in the city of Calabra.

Richard, Kahlan and Zedd say goodbye

Commentary: I think it took me so long to do this Legend of the Weeker because I remember not loving this episode. On a second watch-through, I thought it was a lot better than I remember. There was a lot of action and several high stakes fight scenes. Plus Richard almost gets killed twice. I also enjoy episodes that explain the past. The little bit about Kahlan really explains who she is as a character.

Richard, Kahlan and Ren

The thing that I remember hating was the kid. He was still annoying the second time around. I mean the pheasant and blackberries. If I was Richard I would tell the kid that I could kill him, and then not have to deal with this problem. Also Kahlan could confess the kid and then also not have to deal with the problem. They were way too nice. On the other hand the kid that played Ren was fantastic. He played that role as perfect as possible.

This was the first we saw of discontent in the D'haran camp. Hard to believe with all the magic that Darken Rahl has control over he couldn't see a traitor in his personal guard. I mean he's supposed to be so powerful. If he keeps this up by the time Richard gets to meet him, he will already get stabbed in the back. Also this guy's family is gonna have a tough life. He was an elite soldier and now they are going to have to go on the run.

The plot had a split up of the three that I actually enjoyed. Zedd, Richard and Kahlan were going for the same goal but just approaching it from different ways. Their plan seemed really simplistic though. Like did they think that Rahl would just let them into his castle. Also is it really a mystery where Darken Rahl lives? Like can't you just ask a random stranger where the capital of the empire is? What are they going to do when they get there?

Richard and Kahlan Romance Index: 6 out of 10.

Kahlan looks at Richard

This was the first episode that really explored the feelings that Richard and Kahlan have for one another. Ren quickly reads into both of them and quickly deciphers their longing. He then has to be the one that tells each of them what they already know. Lastly we get a preview of Kahlan's problem with her feelings for Richard. Oh and how groanworthy was the "when we are parents" quote by Richard. I love how he realizes it's bad after he says it.

Zedd's Creepiness Factor: 7 out of 10.

Zedd gets an emo haircut

Oh Zedd, you are a trickster. I love that to trick the D'harans all you had to do was get an emo haircut. Well as emo as Zedd can get. It was great how he let the traitor escape, then helped capture him, then let him escape again. What was the point of all that? Also he let that guy get beat up a lot before saving him. Thanks you jerk.

Notable Quotes:

Ren: "You don't have to be scared. She feels the same way you do."

Zedd: "Give the boy too many lessons, he won't have time to learn anything."
Richard: "As if you ever let up on me."

Ren: "Tell him what you feel about him. It will be okay."

Richard: "Well if we ever get to be parents, I guess we will have had some practice."

Traitor: "Darken Rahl just sent two hundred men to a city called Calabra on a mission of great importance."
Kahlan: "To Calabra then."

Editor's Note: Have your own favorite quote from the episode? Did we forget to mention your favorite moment and now you're angry? Leave it in the comments and we'll update with the best of. Like the blog? Sign up to receive our Feed through Feedburner.


Jenni said...

I think you got a few of the details wrong of this episode, let me help you.

In the episode I saw Kahlan's father couldn't have possibly hurt her since he of course had been taken by her Mother and was devoted to her and would do whatever she wished. So it wouldn't make sense for him to even be capable of hurting Kahlan.

Also, Kahlan had never heard of the Sisters of the Light since they live in the old world and only take in young wizards to train them. But interesting interpretation I guess.

Lizzie said...

Well Jenni the Sisters of Light are in the Old World in the book but they don't live there in the show. Kahlan lived with the sisters when she was younger and they helped her with her gift. Which is markedly different from the books.

Also different from the books is Kahlan's relationship with her father. She explains taht her father was nice until Kahlan's mother died then he was released and was angry for what he had lost. So he then used Kahlan and Denee for his own greedy ends.

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