Monday, March 16, 2009

Legend of the Weeker: Conversion

Synopsis: The episode opens with Darken Rahl upset at an advisor. He's mad that they have not been able to get the final Box of Orden. They have a different plan at the Keep of Edron. Giller the Wizard is there torturing some people. That happens to be where Chase's family is being held and Richard and Kahlan's next destination. A resistance soldier named Devlin comes along to help him.

Richard Kahlan and the Alliance

Inside the Keep an uncle and nephew are fomenting resistance against Darken Rahl. The nephew knows Rahl and is going to try to stab him. The gang attacks a trio of soldiers and Kahlan confesses one of them. Their plan is to cut off the oil and lighting in the Keep and sneak in to grab the prisoners. This goes off without a hitch as they get in, get out and release all the prisoners.

Chase has a heartfelt reunion with his family that is cut short after he kisses his wife. He falls over sick with something akin to being confessed. They head off in search of a healer. On the way there they are attacked by D'harans and kill the nephew that had his own plan to kill Rahl. They learn from the uncle that Giller is doing experiments to create a Confessor. Their new plan is to get Kahlan in and confess Giller, escape with him, and then blow up the Keep with Rahl inside. Complicated.

Kahlan captured

Kahlan is brought in as a prisoner and tries to confess Giller but fails. He apparently made a potion that blocks confession. Kahlan is captured and Darken Rahl gets beamed into the Keep. Richard, not being one to let harm come to Kahlan, abandons the original plan and bursts into the Keep. He fights Rahl and is defeated with the help of a Mord-Sith. Rahl brings him in with Kahlan and mocks them a bit. He also takes the potion and makes creepy passes at Kahlan.

Giller uses magic to try to get Kahlan's power. Rahl plans to confess Richard and make him his slave. Unfortunately Kahlan gets something called the Blood Rage and confesses everyone without touching them. Giller is killed and Rahl runs off. Richard tries to kill him but misses him by a hair. There is one unbroken potion left but it is of course given to Chase so he can be with his family. Chase goes along with Devlin to lead the resistance. Richard and Kahlan have a nice moment where he promises that he will both kill Rahl and be with her.

Richard and Kahlan ending

Commentary: Another exciting episode. They are definitely ramping up the action. We got some awesome sword action and we finally saw Richard fight Darken Rahl. He should have just jabbed the sword through him. Richard pretty much dominated the fight. I do have to say that those were some wild swings by Richard. I'm pretty sure that if Darken Rahl had a quick parry and stab there, then he would have just buried the Seeker right there.

Kahlan does the Con Dar

We got a scary look at Kahlan's power. She apparently can call upon this power in times of extreme duress. This power was manifested in extreme strength and also the ability to confess people without touching them. She also lost some control and grabbed Richard by the throat. Kahlan does not have the control on her power that she once believes. There was the episode where she put a man to death and now this new power. She needs to get a grip on her abilities.

Man, Darken Rahl just does not take necessary precautions. He takes off and beams into this Keep. It clearly does not have enough security as the gang is able to break in just by killing the lights. Turns out the Seeker is there and instead of alerting his armies and having them descend down on the Keep, he tries to take out the Seeker by himself. The only reason he managed to escape was some last minute shenanigans. He isn't going to make it too long if he keeps this up.


It's interesting to see what they did with Chase to bring him across the boundary. Now the resistance has a great leader, although his family has some rebuilding to do. We should definitely see some more of him over the course of Seeker's adventure. The resistance is definitely becoming more and more of a force to be reckoned with. Darken Rahl really worries about this, as is evident from his early freakout about not being able to find the final Box of Orden.

Richard and Kahlan Romance Index: 7 out of 10.

Kahlan looks at Richard

The two kids got into a lot of trouble this weekend. They speak pretty openly about their feelings for one another. This is a little different from earlier in the season. I guess everything is pretty much out in the open. Richard has also gotten a lot more bold when telling Kahlan how he feels. He doesn't care about the prophecies and he is sure in himself. With the look that Kahlan gave him at the end, it's becoming pretty clear that she is starting to believe in him too.

Zedd's Creepiness Factor: 1 out of 10.

Another Zedd-less episode. He is off being creepy in D'hara apparently. He did send them a pretty creepy note. They either understood the message correctly, or they intercepted a creepy riddle written by a stalker. Weird.

Notable Quotes:

Richard: "We just saved her life."
Darken Rahl: "And apparently, you just saved mine."

Darken Rahl: "It will take more than prophecy to defeat me, Richard Cypher."

Devlin: "It was an honor to fight alongside the Seeker."
Richard: "The honor was all mine."

Richard: "Rahl was wrong when he said our fate was unimaginable. The only unimaginable fate is one without you."

Editor's Note: Have your own favorite quote from the episode? Did we forget to mention your favorite moment and now you're angry? Leave it in the comments and we'll update with the best of. Like the blog? Sign up to receive our Feed through Feedburner.

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