Thursday, May 7, 2009

Legend of the Weeker: Cursed

Synopsis: This episode opens with Kahlan and Richard stealing honey from some bees. Just like Pooh bear. They go to meet King Gregor who has not been succumbing to the D'harans. He needs the Seeker's help from something worse than D'harans. Cut to a shot of a woman mauled by a monster. Dramatic pause!

Richard and Kahlan meeting Marius

Marius, the brother of King Gregor meets the gang. Turns out a monster has been terrorizing the countryside. The king then tells them that the beast is the king himself. He made an alliance with Shota from Identity to protect his kingdom forever. The king is transformed into a Kalethrop which is a monster that terrorizes D'harans. He tried using a Rada'Han collar but it didn't work. He eventually murdered his queen.

The king has tried to kill himself but he can't be killed. The only thing that can kill him is the Sword of Truth. Zedd goes to Agaden Reach to try to convince Shota. She doesn't want to because she can see the future of the kingdom falling. Kahlan talks to the king's daughter who is worried about some children that are still out in the woods. Meanwhile, the king turns into a monster and escapes, smacking Richard in the head along the way.

Kahlan fights

A fight breaks out. Kahlan worried about Richard, turns to the Con Dar. She distracts the monster long enough for Richard to stab him with the Sword of Truth. She almost confesses the Princess. Zedd comes back and warns of Shota's vision about D'harans taking over the kingdom. Richard decides that they will keep the legend alive. They decide to slaughter some sheep and also put some chimes out in the forest.

Kahlan puts on the Rada'Han collar to suppress her magic. Unfortunately there is a spy in the castle and the D'harans learn all about her plans. While hanging chimes in the forest, Richard and Zedd hear a Kalethrop. Scary! Richard quickly figures out that Marius is the spy. He chases down Marius but the other guards attack Kahlan and the princess.

Zedd goes to Shota and she tells him that she cursed the scepter. Thus the princess has become the Kalethorp. Richard brings Marius back and meets Kahlan. She confesses Marius for being an ass, and tells him to go be the bait so that they could get the Rada'Han on the Kalethorp. They do and before they have a chance to prepare the D'harans attack the castle and are captured. Richard gets his hands chopped off so that he can't escape.

Ending fight

Of course this is a vision that Shota and Zedd are watching. They make a solar eclipse happen. The princess turns into the Kalethorp and slaughters several of the D'harans and the rest run off. Shota propositions Zedd and he turns her down. Because self-respect is the best kind of respect. Kahlan gives the princess the Rada'Han deciding that her power is a part of her. She also tells Richard that she couldn't summon her power. Zedd runs up and tells that there is another Book of Counted Shadows. They race off to get it before Rahl.

Commentary: I definitely like when the show goes darker as opposed to comic. This lends itself well to the action sequences. It is also good that they are really trying different things to spice up the show. It really wouldn't work too well to have Richard just killing D'harans every day. The source material is pretty dark so episodes like this explore this aspect of the story. While this show is pretty sanitized, (we rarely see any blood spatters or guts), there are pretty dark undertones to this journey.

D'haran invasion

Did anyone else think that the monster was simply the Uruk-hai warriors from Lord of the Rings. It was almost like they opened a sealed crate that was hanging around from the Lord of the Rings set and were like: "We have to use this!" Not that I mind, I thought the monster was pretty well done and definitely added to the creepiness of this episode.

The really interesting thing about this episode was that while it definitely was centered around the gang, it showed a lot about the world in which they live. There is a real war going on here and there are people fighting for both sides. While Richard is the one who is destined to kill Darken Rahl, it is people like King Gregor and his royal family who will fight for the side of good in the Midlands. Although King Gregor didn't find the best way to help his kingdom, he always had his people's best interests at heart.

Zedd is back

How great was it to have Zedd with the gang again. Even if he left pretty quickly to go meet up with Shota, he was still an important catalyst in the plot. His relationship with Shota is pretty interesting to say the least. No wonder he always heads off by himself. Also his reply to the guard about how he is one of the few to escape Shota was pretty badass. Episodes without Zedd are really lacking. His interactions with both Richard and Kahlan really do a lot to bring out those characters' personalities.

Richard and Kahlan Romance Index: 4 out of 10.

Richard Kahlan moment

Aww, Richard gave her the honey that they stole from the bees. That's cute. He also taught her a valuable lesson about being herself. While her power may be a problem, it is really important for them to have her abilities. Richard may love her for who she is but you know he was a little ticked that she had to give back the Rada'Han collar. At least they could have borrowed it for a night or two?

Zedd's Creepiness Factor: 7 out of 10.

Creepy Zedd

Oh Zedd. You and your sexual trysts with women all over the Midlands. I guess we know he is okay because he uses magical protection. It's bizarre because he is supposed to be the voice of reason for these young beautiful people who can't get together or the world will be plunged into darkness. What kind of example is he setting for the young ones?

Notable Quotes:

Marius: "Few who have gone there have ever returned."
Zedd: "I know. I'm one of those few."

Kahlan: "Being a confessor is about certainty. Knowing the truth. When I'm in the Con Dar I don't have any of that."

Richard: "It's a part of who you are"
Kahlan: "When I'm in the Con Dar, I don't know who that is."

Kahlan: "My power is a part of who I am. I tried to deny it and it only put people in danger. I need to embrace it; learn to control it.

Zedd: "Shota showed me a vision... There is another Book of Counted Shadows."

Editor's Note: Have your own favorite quote from the episode? Did we forget to mention your favorite moment and now you're angry? Leave it in the comments and we'll update with the best of. Like the blog? Sign up to receive our Feed through Feedburner.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This was a good episode though I see no purpose of it in the storyline...

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