Friday, May 1, 2009

Legend of the Weeker: Mirror

Synopsis: The episode opens with Richard making out with some super skank. All this while Kahlan waits for him, and she admonishes him for this. They show up in a town where a D'haran soldier is threatening the town to pay a tribute. Kahlan confesses him and they suggest that Richard and Kahlan will guard the treasury. After they are left alone in the treasury it is clear that these are impostors.

In the morning the leader of the town, whose wife Fake Richard was fooling around with, realizes that Fake Richard and Fake Kahlan have robbed the town. They were in cahoots with Gwildor, the guy pretending to be the D'haran guard, who has some sort of magic mirror. He turns them back into fat, unattractive thieves. They go to a bar to celebrate but the real Richard and Kahlan show up. Logically, the thieves decide to steal the Sword of Truth from the Seeker. Best way to do this is for Fake Kahlan to seduce Richard... by skinny dipping.

Kahlan swimming

Fake Richard gets away with the Sword of Truth when Fake Kahlan kisses Richard. Nice.

Kahlan and Richard Kiss

Richard and Kahlan figure out that someone was pretending to be them and they set out to try to recover the Sword of Truth. Gwildor goes in to a D'haran camp saying that he can deliver the Seeker and Confessor. Elsewhere Fake Richard and Fake Kahlan decide that they are just going to kill Gwildor and take the spoils for themselves. So basically everyone is against everyone.

The D'harans capture Fake Richard and Fake Kahlan and Real Richard and Real Kahlan are attacked by the townspeople. Fortunately they escape with the help of that woman who Fake Richard was with. The D'haran captain comes to the bar and attacks the bar maid, Bianca. But it ends up being Gwildor, her husband. God this episode is confusing. He plans to turn over Fake Richard and Fake Kahlan over to a Mord Sith. Also they are weirdly erotic and Bianca asks Gwildor turns back into the captain before hooking up with her. Weird. After he leaves, Richard and Kahlan show up and the bar maid runs to warn her husband.

Fake Richard and Fake Kahlan escape by Fake Richard seducing the ONE gay guard and Fake Kahlan knocking him out. Gwildor, who is pretending to be the captain, talks to his wife and decides to send a quad of assassins to kill the Fake Richard and Fake Kahlan and go after the Real Richard and Kahlan with the soldiers. Zedd comes back, saves Fake Richard and Fake Kahlan from the assassins and quickly figures out that they are impostors.

Kahlan and Richard Captured

Richard and Kahlan are captured by the D'harans while Zedd forms a plan with the impostors. Zedd confronts Bianca with Fake Richard and Fake Kahlan. Meanwhile, Richard and Kahlan are handed over to the Mord Sith. Bianca shows up with the Fake Richard and Fake Kahlan in tow and unmasks Gwildor using the mirror. The Mord Sith, as confused by all this as I was, goes with the approach to bring everyone to Darken Rahl and let him sort it out.

They come across Zedd tied to a tree. The Mord Sith heads to investigate. Oh too bad for the D'harans, Bianca turned out to be Zedd in disguise. He/She does this:

Wizard's fire

Everyone runs off but Bianca who is trapped in Zedd's body and Gwildor who are captured by the Mord Sith. Everyone turns back into who they originally were, except for Bianca who still looks exactly like Zedd. Her husband is all creeped out as they are led off to a fate worse than death.

Synopsis: I do not like episodes that have these magical spells that switch peoples identity. A pretty big theme in a previous episode: Identity. It really throws everything off and feels a little lazy on the writing part. I wasn't really impressed with the people pretending to be Richard and Kahlan. Everything was way too weird and confusing. It also does not advance the overall story very much. Oh well.

Stupid Dharan

One thing that stuck out like a sore thumb was the D'haran guard that was gay for Richard. Why would the D'harans put one gay guard with an affection for the Seeker to guard THE SEEKER! Do they want to die? Even if the guy pretending to be the captain ordered this, didn't anyone think to be like: "Uhh so this guy is the Seeker right? With the Confessor? We should probably double or even triple up on the guard duty." And what a dereliction of duty this guard does. Yeah, just go right into that cell with the Seeker and Confessor to try to get a piece of ass. You'll be okay. Dumbass.

Finally Zedd returned in full form. He adds a necessary facet to this show that just isn't there when it is just Richard and Kahlan. It's part humor and part direction of their journey. When it is just the two, it almost seems like they are mindlessly wandering around. The other thing is that even though he is dead against the romance between Richard and Kahlan, their feelings feel far more fleshed out when he is there. A great example of this is the scene in the end where Richard tries to explain his time spent with Fake Kahlan. Zedd pushes him into the right thing to say. In this case, nothing.

HD Porn

It doesn't happen often with this show, but a few times I feel like when there is not enough depth in the plot, they really make the shots HD-Pornoriffic. This episode is also a great example of the dichotomy of what's prettier to look at in HD. All the New Zealand vistas or the leads who are also quite pleasant to look at. They started the episode with the skinny dipping so there was no way fans were going to look the other way. It is a bit disappointing to have episodes that are weak in plot. You can definitely tell the actors loved playing these diametrically opposite characters to the ones they normally play.

Richard and Kahlan Romance Index: Undefined.

Kahlan on top of Richard

I have no idea because I was too confused to keep track of who was who in this episode. Plus the added layer of the mistaken identities made it difficult to analyze the feelings between the two. There was that brief scene at the end, but I wouldn't classify that as romance. I really hope they do more to develop this important part of the story.

Zedd's Creepiness Factor: 4 out of 10.

Zedd is back

He's back. And not that creepy. Though he did send Bianca and Gwildor to what is likely a horrible death. I also know that the ending scene isn't Zedd, but that is some creepiness when the woman is trapped looking like him for the rest of her life. How dreadful.

Notable Quotes:

Richard: "What if you lose control?"
Fake Kahlan: "Oh I can control myself. Question is, can you?"

Richard: "I was distracted."
Kahlan: "By a naked woman you went swimming with."
Richard: "I thought it was you."

Kahlan: "Zedd?"
Zedd as Bianca: "In a manner of speaking"

Fake Kahlan: "You may be the one true Seeker but you're not very much fun."

Zedd:"Sometimes I think there's entirely too much magic in the world."

Editor's Note: Have your own favorite quote from the episode? Did we forget to mention your favorite moment and now you're angry? Leave it in the comments and we'll update with the best of. Like the blog? Sign up to receive our Feed through Feedburner.


Anonymous said...

i really enjoyed this episode, it didnt really move the plot forward but it was light and fun, nothing to serious or dramatic

Misha said...

Me and my roommate had a disagreement on this one. He hated it. I thought it wasn't too bad. Compared with the really good episodes it definitely isn't as great.

Anonymous said...

Please, please, please recap "Denna" and "Cursed"!! I'm going insane waiting for them!

Misha said...

Sorry. Technical difficulties. The Cursed write up is all done just needs some final touches. Hope to post tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

i thought that it was pretty good but they could have done a little better to tell who was a fake and who was a real. The story line was hard to follow along with because you couldn't tell who was who. I thought that it would have been better if they didn't switch the characters to much like they did in this one. I really like the episodes an all but this was not a good one for me.

KtL said...

I thought the episode was to-die-for hilarious and I loved it!

Also, I wasn't confused by the switching... that's interesting. But I know I scrutinize too much.

Anonymous said...

Sad to see such a possibly epic story be turned into nothing more than silly Xena-like episodes. I really expected a lot more than petty pop culture. To set the record straight, this is not in any sense like the Sword of Truth series. Totally disgraceful.

Misha said...

Wow I think even my roommate would think this is harsh. I haven't read all the books but a lot of what is in the books really can't be transcribed to a TV series, especially a syndicated one with a relatively low budget. I think expectations need to be adjusted for what the show is. But then again, thats just my opinion.

Jesse wow commenting on a 2009 post said...

This is 2009 now 2020 but I had to say it The seeker had a very high budget far from low LOL

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