Monday, November 16, 2009

Legend of the Weeker: Baneling

Plot Synopsis: We find our heroes in a gorgeous clearing with Kahlan and Zedd talking about how they distrust Cara. Richard meanwhile is checking his mark out in a reflection in his sword. Kahlan comes over and tries to to comfort him, which like, whoa. They trek to the abbey to try to find the abbott that knows where the Stone of Tears is. However, they find the abbey destroyed with no sign of the monks. Cara suggests that they were taken to a death camp.

Cara abbey

The D'harans are busy killing prisoners for no reason. The gang rushes in and a battle breaks out. Kahlan confess one of the soldiers while Richard throws his sword and kills the commanding general. They free the children and a mother is reunited with her son. The second in command tells him that the abbott has been executed. Richard buries the bodies of the D'harans and the general nicknamed the General is transported to the underworld to chill with Darken Rahl.

Kahlan and Cara tell the villagers to either hang out or head home. The mother from earlier asks about a town in which her father lived. Cara tells her that the Dragon Corps has destroyed that town and Kahlan scolds her for not being more compassionate. It is also determined there isn't enough food to eat so Cara sets out to get provisions. She also gives a horse to a guy asking to bury his brother out in the country and attempts com-pas-sion. Doesn't work.

Monk meets Richard and Kahlan

A monk from the abbott's order meets Richard and is told of the tear in the veil. He tells that the abbott kept a locket which would have been stored with the looted treasure from the D'harans. They go to check on the treasure and find the one guys dead brother instead. Apparently the guy peaced out with the treasure. Kahlan and Cara argue about whose fault it was and are interrupted when the monk finds a bunch of dead bodies who apparently were killed by the dead general.

Kahlan reacts to Cara

They hide all the people inside the prison. Richard sets Cara out to find the dude who stole the treasure. Richard and Zedd check on the Butcher's grave and find him and all the D'harans dug up. The abbott they were looking for finds them. He was apparently in the underworld and now has become a baneling for the Keeper. He must kill in order to stay in the world and they decide to kill some D'harans. Unfortunately they are already dead.

Cara seduction

The abbott who is unable to kill then dies. Again. Cara finds the kid trying to hook up with two girls. She starts to seduce with some conveniently muffled out phrases. She brings him to Richard, who sees the rune and they decide to take him with them after dealing with the undead soldiers. Unfortunately he is killed by that mother from earlier. He too is approached in the underworld by Darken Rahl but is resurrected by Cara's Breath of Life.

He tells who killed him and then they lock the mother up in a cage. Meanwhile the baneling soldiers are told to get the kid with the rune on his hand. They attack the camp. Kahlan and the prisoners escape out a hole that Zedd makes in a wall. When the soldiers run in, Richard blows the camp up after the obligatory one liner killing all the soldiers inside. The mother's kid runs off with the monk while the creepy dude tries to hit on Cara. Doesn't work. As Richard gives an inspirational speech, it is shown that the kid was a baneling who kills the monk.

Commentary: Another mystery type episode with a bunch of other stuff thrown in. Kahlan and Zedd still don't trust Cara while Richard does. The Keeper is making things really difficult for Richard because now he has to think before he just runs in swords blazing. It was pretty exciting and the first time I watched it, I couldn't really guess who the actual killer was. Though it makes sense in retrospect. The kid being a baneling caught me completely off guard.

Creepy kid baneling

The Kahlan and Cara dynamic seems a bit forced. In fact there was a lot of weird switching in the pacing of the show. There was a bit of mystery as to who was murdering the D'harans. Also the end of the episode was like watching an action blockbuster complete with ridiculous lines and slow motion escapes from explosions. The whole adventure seemed like it was rapidly getting out of control. Whatever are Richard and friends going to do?

Richard being decisive

It seems Richard is getting quite aggressive in his leadership role. He thinks nothing of killing the prisoners to get some directions. Not long before this, Kahlan makes the claim that these people need to be brought to justice and not killed vigilante style. Apparently though when Richard needs to find the Stone of Tears then it's anything goes. The morality issues that arise from Cara being a part of the gang might be rubbing off on Richard.

Cara and hand boy

Speaking of Cara rubbing off on people, do we really have to put up with the hand map guy? His awkward hitting on Cara was wince-inducing. The fights between Cara and Kahlan were pretty good though as it is interesting to see Kahlan out of her element. Plus she is definitely going alpha female with Richard.

HD Porn

I know I have said it before but the New Zealand landscape is definitely one of the best supporting actors in this show. The producers have added plenty of shots of riding through the New Zealand country side which is pure HD porn. Even when the action isn't great it always provides something nice to look at.

Richard and Kahlan Romance Index: 4 out of 10.

Richard and Kahlan

I mean Kahlan had to check several times on that scar that Richard got from Darken Rahl. While these moments had some clear sexual tension, it was also slightly awkward. I also loved Richard THROWING the Sword of Truth to prevent Kahlan from getting nicked in battle.

Zedd's Creepiness Factor: 5 out of 10.

Creepy Zedd

How many powers does the guy have that he didn't use last season. If I was Richard I would be so mad. I mean he has already used two powers that he really didn't bust out last year. Plus he set corpses on fire.

Notable Quotes:

Kahlan: "The spirit of the tyrant that you killed comes back from the grave and burns the mark of the Keeper on your chest. It's not nothing Richard. I wish I knew what it meant."
Richard: "What we do know is that we need to seal the rift between this world and the underworld... and to do that we need to find the Stone of Tears."

Darken Rahl: "You've served me well in life general. It is my hope that you will do the same for the Keeper now that you're dead."

Richard: "Did you see who did this?"
Monk: "It was the butcher. He's come back from the grave."

Richard: "Welcome back to Talthrane." EXPLOSIONS!!!

Richard: "If we have to kill to save an innocent life we'll do it. No matter how many souls the Keeper claims... As long as there are even a few people left to create life... And as long as people are willing to protect that life... The Keeper can't win.

Editor's Note: Have your own favorite quote from the episode? Did we forget to mention your favorite moment and now you're angry? Leave it in the comments and we'll update with the best of. Like the blog? Sign up to receive our Feed through Feedburner.

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