Monday, November 23, 2009

Legend of the Weeker: Broken

Plot Synopsis: The episode opens with what seems to be a blind girl releasing a raven into the air. It flies over a campground where Richard and Kahlan are sleeping, and transports Kahlan into a freaky world full of white roses that are dying. The creepy girl then lets Kahlan know that soon she will be the last of her kind.

Kahlans dream
Zedd interprets this as a sign from some desert dreamweaving peoples and Kahlan takes it to mean that soon her sister and the rest of the confessors will die. She begins to head there but is stopped by Cara who tells her that she was killed by her hand. Kahlan begins to go into the Con Dar. Richard holds her back long enough for Cara to run away. Flynn takes off but Zedd has spelled his shoes so they know exactly where he is headed. The gang tracks him with Kahlan temporarily forgetting about Cara but promising to kill her if she ever gets a chance.

Cara takes the opportunity to go to an inn and bed some stranger. The villagers attack her and tell her to leave town. Meanwhile Flynn has taken off his clothes thus shedding the tracking. Cara goes to her sister's place almost taking an arrow to her face. Her sister convinces her to come with her for some food. Cara changes into a dress, with some touching memories thrown in for emotion about their father and memories.

Cara's past
Soldiers burst in the door and take her away. Apparently her brother-in-law... not a trusting guy. The soldiers find Kahlan and ask her to execute Cara. This is how confession works on Mord Sith. Unfortunately Richard is not about to let that happen. They organize a mock trial. Law and Order, Midlands style.

Meanwhile Flynn is just stealing people's purses. He runs into someone who catches him. That guy sees his tattoo and offers to take him to Pemorah, find the Stone of Tears and split the profit. Richard gives an impassioned plea for Cara's life with Grace, Cara's sister, telling the story of when she was taken. She tells about her father and Cara bursts out with how she killed him. Someone get this girl a copy of the 5th amendment.

Cara defiant
In the chambers Richard and Kahlan argue whether or not. Richard continues to tell the townspeople about Mord Sith training with Cara's help. Cara talks about how she felt that her father betrayed her and that was why she killed him. As Richard verbally parles with Cara her schoolteacher stands up and stands up for her. Kahlan instantly picks her up as a Mord Sith.

The townspeople order both the Mord Sith killed by confession much to Richard's dismay. The guy with Flynn starts to get annoyed with him and puts a paralyzing elixir in his drink and threatens to cut off his hand. Of course it was Zedd all along and he teaches him a lesson. Kahlan confesses the schoolteacher Mord Sith who instantly confesses that she tortured her father who never broke under the torture. They burned her father's throat causing Cara to believe that her father betrayed her. Kahlan refuses to confess her.

Held at a crossbow
The townspeople then attack the gang with Richard killing several of them! One holds Kahlan and crossbow point threatening to kill her if she doesn't confess Cara. Richard frees Cara who kicks the crossbow out of the guy's hand. Richard and Kahlan send Cara away and have a heart to heart about her and the fear that Kahlan could be the last of the confessors. Flynn and Zedd meet up with Kahlan and Richard. Meanwhile as Cara leaves her sister, she walks outside and sees the gang standing there. Kahlan tells her that she needs her to come with the gang because if something were to happen to her, then the Seeker would need protection.

Richard's protection
Commentary: Well we haven't had en episode like this before. I feel like the whole courtroom thing has been done before in other shows. The plot feels a bit like a TV trope. Though I guess with Kahlan's role as Mother Confessor it is to be expected. What I don't get is why the townspeople couldn't accept her rule. Isn't that the whole point of the Mother Confessor? If they want an executioner, did they really need Kahlan for it? Isn't asking her, just begging to come out disappointed?

Richard is the boss
Speaking of people not knowing their roles, what was with the
townspeople attacking Richard. Did they not know that he just almost singlehandedly took down the D'haran army. Then I thought they would be playing the Batman style of fighting where they don't kill people. Nope. Richard was just straight up running people through with the Sword of Truth. Even when the guy pointed that crossbow, at Kahlan I wasn't too worried because Richard always has that Jedi bullet time skill to stop shots with his sword.

A very Kahlan-centric episode. She brought back the Con Dar to try to kill Cara with it. So... hey there... that's a reasonable reaction. She then has her biggest conflict with Richard since the Denna episode. It seems like the Mord Sith bring out the worst in her. Then of course by the end of courtroom scene she realizes that Richard was right all along just as he has been in almost all situations they have been involved in. At some point I just want Richard to ask her if she ever gets tired of being wrong. Personally, I liked that they kept the gang together at the end of the episode.

The gang reunited
Well for the most part. I cannot stand the Flynn kid. He needs to be destroyed. I was prepared to write a scathing blog post about how terrible he is but he prevented me from doing so with his late line about how Zedd's powers are irregular. I wrote about that last week. Get out of my head Flynn! But basically it just held off my wrath for another week. Shake my fist at you Flynn.

Kahlan alone
Also I thought that the whole Kahlan as a last confessor came out of nowhere. Why did they move all the confessors to an island and then kill them off like they were redshirts? It was almost as if it was an afterthought. Additionally, the whole plot of Sacrifice from last season fell by the wayside. Though it does solve the male confessor paradox that my roommate hated last year. P.S. Dreamweaving blind girl = Creepy.

Richard and Kahlan Romance Index: 4 out of 10.

Richard and Kahlan
I can't just give points because they admit they love each other. They already reached that point in their relationship. What are they doing to advance their relationship? They did argue like an established couple. And of course Kahlan put her vengeance aside for a bit to make sure that Richard would be safe in case she died. Richard returned the favor by once again assuring her that he would never let anything happen to her.

Zedd's Creepiness Factor: 6 out of 10.

Creepy Zedd
The guy has some very creepy tendencies. He tracks the annoying guy by enchanting his shoes. He also busts out the switcheroo mirror again. Although it was pretty clear it was him. And did anyone else notice that he threatened to chop off Flynn's manhood? Creepy.

Notable Quotes:

Townsperson: "And if the elders still want her dead?"
Kahlan: "Then I will carry out their wishes."

Townsperson: "Will the Mother Confessor abide by the wishes of our elders?"
Kahlan: "I will."

Richard: "The word of the Mother Confessor is final!"

Kahlan: "If I die, the line of Confessors could perish... forever."
Richard: "I'm not going to let anything happen to you... ever."

Flynn: "Don't get offended. All I'm saying is sometimes your powers seem a little... irregular."

Editor's Note: Have your own favorite quote from the episode? Did we forget to mention your favorite moment and now you're angry? Leave it in the comments and we'll update with the best of. Like the blog? Sign up to receive our Feed through Feedburner.


Joanna Ruth Meyer said...

Thanks for another fab review! Always makes me crack up. :-) I agree that 1) Flynn is annoying as all get out and 2) Zedd's wizard powers ARE irregular. Where the heck were they last season??

Kerstin said...

I was hoping that Flynn would be hacked into pieces. Unfortunately they didn't follow Cara's suggestion.
Couldn't Zedd just shut him up magically for at least two episodes? I hope they get to Pemorah soon and not in Episode 22.

I think the townspeople just wanted to make the killing of Cara look as legal as possible. And of course they knew that confessing her was the most cruel death they could have chosen.
It was more like a witch hunt.

Cara called Richard "Lord Rahl", now how will this effect the story? It was not known to anyone till now.

About Zedd's wizard powers.. maybe he was a bit rusty after he hadn't used his powers for 23 years. ;)

Misha said...

Thanks for the kind words.

I guess any sense of legality went out the window when they tried to kill the Mother Confessor and the Seeker.

Also I think that some people knew about Richard being the new Lord Rahl. He publicly renounced the title I thought.

Anonymous said...

Du schreibst wunderbar. Deine Meinung und auch deine zusammenfassungen sind immer wieder schön und vorallem witzig zu lesen. Dein Humor ist toll.
Was mir am besten gefällte sind die Notable Quotes. In denen die besten Sätze vorkommen.

Ich hoffe du machst so weiter wie bisher.

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