Though out of order, what follows is a Legend of the Weeker for the first episode of the series, Prophecy. I may have to delay the Legend of the Weeker for this week's episode until Tuesday night. Hope you all enjoyed the episode.
Summary: In a distant land two women ride their horses at a frantic pace away from soldiers. Those familiar with the show will recognize Kahlan and her sister Dennee.
After an exciting chase scene, Dennee is shot in the back with an arrow. As she lays dying in a creek bed, she gives Kahlan a package and tells her to leave. Kahlan escapes up to a boundary of green energy where it looks like the soldiers have her trapped. She brings out a glowing pendant and it allows her to cross the boundary. The soldiers follow her.
Elsewhere a shirtless Richard is chopping wood and building a bridge. While taking a break he notices Kahlan running through the trees and the soldiers following her. Right as they have her cornered he comes to her rescue and together they are able to defeat the soldiers. Over the course of the battle, she uses her power, and when Richard wants to know about it, she rebukes him and tells him to leave her alone. Richard looks around and is bitten by a strange vine.
Unfortunately one of the soldiers survived and with the help of the Counselor's Guard is taken to Michael, Richard's brother. He spins a lie that Kahlan is a witch and Richard implicit in helping her. Richard goes to his father's house who tells him to go to Zedd's immediately, right before the soldiers arrive.
At Zedd's, Kahlan introduces herself to him and we find out he is a great wizard, tasked with protecting and training the Seeker, who is to rise up and defeat evil. Richard shows up, ailing from the vine bite which is quickly cured. Kahlan is shocked to learn that Richard is the seeker, and what's more has no knowledge of his destiny. They try to give him the Sword of Truth and Book of Counted Shadows, which are tools that he will need in his quest. Unwilling to accept what he sees as lies, Richard leaves to go to his house with both the sword and the book. He is saved from a monster by Kahlan and Zedd on his way there.
Unfortunately the soldier has already assaulted his father leaving him to die in a burning house. Richard, realizing this heads to Zedd's where the soldier lies in wait, despite the warnings of Zedd and Kahlan. The soldier defeats Richard but before killing him realizes that he has the book. He takes the book and leaves Richard alone. The episode ends with Richard accepting his destiny as the Seeker and a distraught Darken Rahl waking from a nightmare to realize his enemy lives.
Commentary: This episode is not as action packed as some of the more recent episodes probably due to it being part one of a two hour premiere. The beginning horse chase is some of the best cinematography that we get to see on this show and it definitely shows a lot of the beauty of New Zealand.
During the first few minutes we find out everything we need to know about Kahlan. She's pretty kickass (see above picture) and at the same time incredibly caring as can be seen in the scene with her sister. The introduction to Richard also sets the scene for what kind of character he is. He is quick to jump to Kahlan's defense even facing insurmountable odds.
Unfortunately, we also see the negative aspects in Richard's character. He frequently lets his emotions guide him, and this gets him into trouble. Of course Zedd and Kahlan are always there to help him out. Sidenote: How much does this episode owe to Star Wars? Answer: A lot.
In this episode, Zedd takes more of a reluctant role. He does not want this fate for Richard and makes the case for Kahlan to let him be. Of course, this is impossible because otherwise, well I don' t think anyone would watch a show about Richard living by himself on the farm. Even if he farmed shirtless. Well maybe a few people would watch but not a lot. Regardless, destiny is a prominent theme of this show and in the end Richard of course accepts his.
Richard and Kahlan's Romance Index: 2 out of 10. (For first time readers this is a measure of the chemistry between Richard and Kahlan in each episode. Points are awarded completely arbitrarily and mean absolutely nothing)
Considering these two crazy kids just met there is very little here. I will give a point out for the scene where Richard is attacked by the Gar. If she isn't interested, she is certainly holding onto Richard mighty tightly up there. The second point goes for Richard rescuing her and following her when she specifically told him not to.
Zedd's Creepiness Factor: 10 out of 10. (This is the counterpoint to the Romance index. The factor measures how creepy does Zedd looked in this episode. Most of the time it is high.)
Look at the picture. Look at it. Let it burn into your soul. Moving on.
Notable Quotes:
Kahlan: "I need your help wizard."
Zedd: "Sorry. I'm as deaf as a peach and as naked as a baby bird."
Zedd: "A seeker is a hero who arises in a time of trouble and suffering and seeks out evil and fights it wherever he can."
George Cypher: "Every word he told you is true... but I will always be your father."
Zedd: "In this life we cannot go back, only forward. You have a great destiny ahead of you Richard Cypher... If you are willing to accept it."
Darken Rahl: "The Seeker... He lives..."