Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Illiterate Midlands Peasant

Allright, it's your favorite Illiterate Midlands Peasant (IMP) again. I'm back to tell y'all what this week's episode looked like to my ignorant, non-Sword of Truth reading eyes.

Ok, so first of all, damn Kahlan looked good in that red leather outfit. I like the whole "I'm a pure confessor dressed in white" thing she has going on most of the time. But it's nice to switch up the outfits every now and then. I don't get too turned on by the S&M thing the Mord Sith seems to go for, but the tight leather bodysuit looked good on Kahlan to this IMP--regardless of its creepy overtones.

Kahlan Image

Second, there was a lot of WTF moments for me while watching this week. One main WTF topic kept coming back again and again: Why are these women so obsessed with killing the baby? Was it just one bad experience with a male confessor that caused all confessors to go crazy and want to kill their male children? Why are women better at controlling their confessor-power than men? I mean, I've met plenty of horny women and there are men who swear off sex to become priests. We've already seen a female confessor use her powers to confess an entire village and make them all her servants in an earlier episode, so it's not like female confessors have some perfect track record. So, why are all male confessors killed? Are the women scared of not having a monopoly on the power to make slaves of the people? And WTF was up with Mother Confessor confessing Zedd and having him attack the Seeker? Isn't that some sort of ethical violation of their Order? If not, it should be. If women acted that uppity in this IMP's household they would get smacked and told to go fetch me some fresh milk.

My other WTF moment involved the D'Haran General who was confessed. Why the hell was he sent charging into battle like the rest of the D'Haran soldiers after Zedd. I mean, it's not like it was any harder for Zedd to blast him with fire from a distance than it was the other soldiers. They could have used him to get all sorts of intelligence. I may be an IMP without any sort of military or tactical training, but even this arm-chair revolutionary knows that using a confessed D'Haran general for Wizard's Fire fodder instead of to infiltrate the D'Harans was incredibly asinine.

O, one final comment. So, the plan with the male confessor is to send him to an island with his mom and dad--two people he can't confess. Raise him in isolation, train him, and then release him into the world...WTF?!?! First of all, Finn is a confessed D'Haran killer. If the mother dies at any time (confessors can get sick, I assume. Or fall. Or have accidents) then he is no longer confessed and would likely take the boy to Darken Rahl for training. So that's a bit dangerous. Second, if you release a male with the power to have any woman he sees do him and be his slave for life, but keep him away from all women except his mother until he is an adult then you are going to create one horny monster. And how is he going to practice the use of his power if he never gets to use it? Think about that.

That's all for now kids.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lol IMP, ur so funny. Sometimes I pretend Im a confesser but when i touch peopel they don't fall in love or do what i want. :( ROFL it makes me want 2 do the Con Dar!

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