Monday, January 19, 2009

What to expect from this blog!

Birth of a legend (read: blog):

One glorious Sunday me and my roommate were sitting around in our ritual football watching. Two terrible teams were struggling to score and our interest had waned. I fell asleep and he began channel surfing. He ended up on a local station showing the series premiere of Legend of the Seeker. He was transfixed. As I awoke from my nap, I groggily asked: "What is this movie?" My roommate hit the INFO button and with our interest piqued we watched the remainder of the show.

As the first episode ended, I thought that the show wasn't bad but we didn't really expect to watch the show again. The following Sunday, we ran across it again. This time we deployed the DVR and began watching religiously. After the second episode, I had to find out what the story behind this show was. I pulled out the trusty laptop and plugged "Legend of the Seeker" into Google. What I saw blew my mind. A new show from the guy that did Hercules and Xena! New Zealand! Based on a best selling book series! Pretty young people! Creepy old man! Slow motion fighting! Nothing not to like.

We continued watching until one day this conversation happened:
Me: "We should start a Legend of the Seeker blog."
Roommate: "Do it. I'll help you if you create it. We'll be famous."
Me: "Are you serious? I don't know the first thing about blogging."
Roommate: "Just make it."

This continued for about 4 weeks. Finally after seeing yet another episode I fired together this webpage and a blog was born.

What to expect:

The meat and potatoes of this blog is going to be a weekly recap with the slightly hilarious title: "Legend of the Weeker". This will contain a brief synopsis as well as commentary on what occurs. We will also include running tracking on things like Richard/Kahlan chemistry index and Zedd's creepiness index. I am going to try to include screenshots and post this on Sunday but no later than Monday. I am starting with episode 9, Puppeteer, so they will be current. Depending on other work I will catch up with the previous episodes but priority will be on new episodes.

We spend a lot of time online so if something comes across the interwebs about the show we will post it. Other than that we plan to have posts about the cast and any other projects they are involved with. We will expand with other things as we see fit. Computer geekery is kind of a hobby for mine, but not a full time job so I still have to get the hang of all these new technologies but I will do my best. If you have any suggestions, don't hesitate to contact us.

Anyways enjoy your visit. Hope you come back.

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