Synopsis: While lost in the midlands, Richard, Kahlan, and Zedd hear a woman calling out to Kahlan. Turns out it's the Mother Confessor. Her and the three remaining confessors are escaping to Valeria, an island hidden by magic. A mann named Finn runs up searching for Dennee, Kahlan's sister. He is crestfallen to hear that she is dead, calling her his mistress. Since the confession spell should end with the death of the Confessor, everyone realizes that Dennee is alive.
To break into the prison holding Dennee, Kahlan disguises herself as a Mord-Sith. Upon confessing the warden of the prison, they manage to break Dennee out, only to realize that she is with child. It is a brief moment of joy for the confessors who foresee their numbers increase. However, Demmin Nas is on the way to the prison to deliver a confessor child to Darken Rahl. They escape and with the help of Richard manage to disguise their tracks.
Denne gives birth to a boy, but to everyone's dismay male children of confessors are killed at birth. Richard is distraught by this and eventually escapes with the child. Kahlan quickly tracks him down but he is able to talk her out of bringing the child back. As they realize the futility of their flight, Zedd and the Mother Confessor find them. To capture the baby, she confesses Zedd. Richard holds him off for a while, but they eventually take the baby away. Realizing that their methods are barbaric, the confessors confess the soldiers following them including Demmin Nas. A confrontation occurs at the beach where Zedd kills all the D'harans. Finn kills the Mother Confessor.
Dennee and her mate head to Valeria while the remaining confessors decide to stay and fight the D'harans. Their first act is to make Kahlan the new Mother Confessor. As the episode ends, Richard and Kahlan ponder their decision to let the baby live.
Commentary: There was a lot that happens in this episode. The first half the episode is dedicated to the prison break and the second to the rescue of the baby. Richard once again comes up with the plan for the prison break and this works to absolute perfection. Seems that since the Denna episode he has been a lot more confident in his plans. Can't say that Kahlan didn't look appealing in the Mord-Sith outfit.
The plan worked a little too well for my liking. I guess it makes sense with the second plot, the prison escape needed to be quick. Once they escaped and it was found out that the baby was a boy and needed to be killed, I think everyone knew that Richard would not let that happen. The producers created a nice sense of foreboding in that you really felt that Richard and Kahlan had nowhere to go.
The fight over the baby was a little overwhelming. Let's recap. To save this kid, the gang had to confess a group of D'haran soldiers which included Demmin Nas. Zedd was confessed by the Mother Confessor. The D'harans all died. The Mother Confessor was killed. Yeah, you're doing good kid!
It was pretty impressive that the Sword of Truth can hold off Wizard's Fire. Just in general, the fighting between Zedd and Richard was pretty hardcore. As was the fighting that Richard did without the Sword of Truth. Who needs the strength of a hundred men? Then there's the choice of Kahlan as the new Mother Confessor. What duties will she have to perform now, and how will this effect the quest of the Seeker.
Richard and Kahlan Romance Index: 5 out of 10.
There wasn't much room for romance in this action filled episode. Richard definitely stood out as an all around good guy and likely made Kahlan pine for him more. He first helped with the delivery, then took the baby under his protection, and finally fed the baby from a plant. If Kahlan had any doubts about Richard as a dad since the Listener episode, they are likely gone now.
Quite a few points were gained from the Mother Confessor's elaborations on Kahlan's feelings for Richard. She came out and said that Kahlan loved Richard and he could never love her back. Kahlan for her part shed quite a few tears for Richard when deciding whether to give up the baby of have Richard killed.
Zedd's Creepiness Factor: 4 out of 10. There wasn't much to cling to in terms of Zedd's creepiness. He did regrow the one confessor's arm which is an odd power to possess. I guess if the gang loses any limbs, they won't have to worry as long as Zedd is around.
Zedd also seemed to enjoy being confessed a little too much. The look on his face as he blasted Richard with the Wizard's Fire was a little strange.
Notable Quotes:
Kahlan: "Are you asking me not to believe in prophecy?"
Richard: "No. I'm asking you to believe in me."
Kahlan: "With Zedd confessed, the Sword of Truth gone... It's hopeless."
Richard: "There's always hope."
Kahlan: "But, what if we're wrong? What if we've unleashed a horrible evil into the world? What then?"