Thursday, January 29, 2009

Inside Zedd's Robes: Upcoming Events

Ratings: Well I couldn't dig up the ratings for this week. I don't think I am intense enough to get access to Nielsen so we have to rely on my web sources. With the recent news of a second season pick-up, ratings don't have as much of an impact for the immediate future. We are pretty much guaranteed that this season will be shown as will the next season. That makes a total of 44 episodes in total, assuming the seasons are of equal length. I will continue to monitor the ratings situation.

Housekeeping: Special thanks to the very cool Journey of the Seeker site that added a link to us. I am eventually going to add a "Links" section to various Legend of the Seeker sites on the interwebs and will definitely add this cool site there.

Next week is a new episode which will be followed by two weeks of replays. The replays are going to be Bounty and Brennidon, the 3rd and 4th episodes. I will post Legend of the Weekers on the first two episodes prior to these replays. Then I can continue catching up by replays. After the two replays there will be four new episodes.

Preview: This weekend's episode is entitled "Confession". TV Guide has the following:

Richard begins to doubt his beliefs while investigating a series of murders among members of the resistance.

This looks like a pretty interesting episode. With Demmin Nas gone, it appears that we are going back to fomenting the resistance. Will we see any sort development on the Kahlan and Richard side of things? How creepy will Zedd be? What happened to that Box of Orden? Wait and see my friends, wait and see.

Diary of a D'haran

D'haran Soldier Picture

Why, gods, O why did you allow my general, Demmin Nas, to be killed?! He has done nothing but follow the great Darken Rahl's orders and bring tranquility to the Midlands! Of course he was a bit harsh with the soldiers (rather quick to have us executed if we disobeyed him in the slightest), but a great man and a great leader. Why is he gone? What will we do?

The Illiterate Midlands Peasant

Allright, it's your favorite Illiterate Midlands Peasant (IMP) again. I'm back to tell y'all what this week's episode looked like to my ignorant, non-Sword of Truth reading eyes.

Ok, so first of all, damn Kahlan looked good in that red leather outfit. I like the whole "I'm a pure confessor dressed in white" thing she has going on most of the time. But it's nice to switch up the outfits every now and then. I don't get too turned on by the S&M thing the Mord Sith seems to go for, but the tight leather bodysuit looked good on Kahlan to this IMP--regardless of its creepy overtones.

Kahlan Image

Second, there was a lot of WTF moments for me while watching this week. One main WTF topic kept coming back again and again: Why are these women so obsessed with killing the baby? Was it just one bad experience with a male confessor that caused all confessors to go crazy and want to kill their male children? Why are women better at controlling their confessor-power than men? I mean, I've met plenty of horny women and there are men who swear off sex to become priests. We've already seen a female confessor use her powers to confess an entire village and make them all her servants in an earlier episode, so it's not like female confessors have some perfect track record. So, why are all male confessors killed? Are the women scared of not having a monopoly on the power to make slaves of the people? And WTF was up with Mother Confessor confessing Zedd and having him attack the Seeker? Isn't that some sort of ethical violation of their Order? If not, it should be. If women acted that uppity in this IMP's household they would get smacked and told to go fetch me some fresh milk.

My other WTF moment involved the D'Haran General who was confessed. Why the hell was he sent charging into battle like the rest of the D'Haran soldiers after Zedd. I mean, it's not like it was any harder for Zedd to blast him with fire from a distance than it was the other soldiers. They could have used him to get all sorts of intelligence. I may be an IMP without any sort of military or tactical training, but even this arm-chair revolutionary knows that using a confessed D'Haran general for Wizard's Fire fodder instead of to infiltrate the D'Harans was incredibly asinine.

O, one final comment. So, the plan with the male confessor is to send him to an island with his mom and dad--two people he can't confess. Raise him in isolation, train him, and then release him into the world...WTF?!?! First of all, Finn is a confessed D'Haran killer. If the mother dies at any time (confessors can get sick, I assume. Or fall. Or have accidents) then he is no longer confessed and would likely take the boy to Darken Rahl for training. So that's a bit dangerous. Second, if you release a male with the power to have any woman he sees do him and be his slave for life, but keep him away from all women except his mother until he is an adult then you are going to create one horny monster. And how is he going to practice the use of his power if he never gets to use it? Think about that.

That's all for now kids.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Legend of the Weeker: Sacrifice

Mother Confessor Picture

Synopsis: While lost in the midlands, Richard, Kahlan, and Zedd hear a woman calling out to Kahlan. Turns out it's the Mother Confessor. Her and the three remaining confessors are escaping to Valeria, an island hidden by magic. A mann named Finn runs up searching for Dennee, Kahlan's sister. He is crestfallen to hear that she is dead, calling her his mistress. Since the confession spell should end with the death of the Confessor, everyone realizes that Dennee is alive.

To break into the prison holding Dennee, Kahlan disguises herself as a Mord-Sith. Upon confessing the warden of the prison, they manage to break Dennee out, only to realize that she is with child. It is a brief moment of joy for the confessors who foresee their numbers increase. However, Demmin Nas is on the way to the prison to deliver a confessor child to Darken Rahl. They escape and with the help of Richard manage to disguise their tracks.

Denne gives birth to a boy, but to everyone's dismay male children of confessors are killed at birth. Richard is distraught by this and eventually escapes with the child. Kahlan quickly tracks him down but he is able to talk her out of bringing the child back. As they realize the futility of their flight, Zedd and the Mother Confessor find them. To capture the baby, she confesses Zedd. Richard holds him off for a while, but they eventually take the baby away. Realizing that their methods are barbaric, the confessors confess the soldiers following them including Demmin Nas. A confrontation occurs at the beach where Zedd kills all the D'harans. Finn kills the Mother Confessor.

Ending Image

Dennee and her mate head to Valeria while the remaining confessors decide to stay and fight the D'harans. Their first act is to make Kahlan the new Mother Confessor. As the episode ends, Richard and Kahlan ponder their decision to let the baby live.

Commentary: There was a lot that happens in this episode. The first half the episode is dedicated to the prison break and the second to the rescue of the baby. Richard once again comes up with the plan for the prison break and this works to absolute perfection. Seems that since the Denna episode he has been a lot more confident in his plans. Can't say that Kahlan didn't look appealing in the Mord-Sith outfit.

Kahlan Image

The plan worked a little too well for my liking. I guess it makes sense with the second plot, the prison escape needed to be quick. Once they escaped and it was found out that the baby was a boy and needed to be killed, I think everyone knew that Richard would not let that happen. The producers created a nice sense of foreboding in that you really felt that Richard and Kahlan had nowhere to go.

The fight over the baby was a little overwhelming. Let's recap. To save this kid, the gang had to confess a group of D'haran soldiers which included Demmin Nas. Zedd was confessed by the Mother Confessor. The D'harans all died. The Mother Confessor was killed. Yeah, you're doing good kid!

Zedd vs. Richard image

It was pretty impressive that the Sword of Truth can hold off Wizard's Fire. Just in general, the fighting between Zedd and Richard was pretty hardcore. As was the fighting that Richard did without the Sword of Truth. Who needs the strength of a hundred men? Then there's the choice of Kahlan as the new Mother Confessor. What duties will she have to perform now, and how will this effect the quest of the Seeker.

Richard and Kahlan Romance Index: 5 out of 10.

Richard and Kahlan picture

There wasn't much room for romance in this action filled episode. Richard definitely stood out as an all around good guy and likely made Kahlan pine for him more. He first helped with the delivery, then took the baby under his protection, and finally fed the baby from a plant. If Kahlan had any doubts about Richard as a dad since the Listener episode, they are likely gone now.

Quite a few points were gained from the Mother Confessor's elaborations on Kahlan's feelings for Richard. She came out and said that Kahlan loved Richard and he could never love her back. Kahlan for her part shed quite a few tears for Richard when deciding whether to give up the baby of have Richard killed.

Zedd's Creepiness Factor: 4 out of 10. There wasn't much to cling to in terms of Zedd's creepiness. He did regrow the one confessor's arm which is an odd power to possess. I guess if the gang loses any limbs, they won't have to worry as long as Zedd is around.

Creepy Zedd Picture

Zedd also seemed to enjoy being confessed a little too much. The look on his face as he blasted Richard with the Wizard's Fire was a little strange.

Notable Quotes:

Kahlan: "Are you asking me not to believe in prophecy?"
Richard: "No. I'm asking you to believe in me."

Kahlan: "With Zedd confessed, the Sword of Truth gone... It's hopeless."
Richard: "There's always hope."

Kahlan: "But, what if we're wrong? What if we've unleashed a horrible evil into the world? What then?"

Inside Zedd's Robes: Renewal Edition


Good news everyone! Our favorite show, Legend of the Seeker has been renewed for a second season. That means we will get to see Kahlan, Richard, and Zedd team up once again to fight Darken Rahl and his minions. Variety reports the following:

Disney's experiment in reviving the firstrun syndie drama biz with the Sam Raimi-produced "Legend of the Seeker" has paid off with a second-season renewal on the Tribune Broadcasting stations.

As I mentioned before the show is doing pretty well as far as syndicated action hours go. Seeing that the CW does not have too much going on during Saturday nights it seems they are happy to ride the Legend of the Seeker wave. That's pretty much fantastic news and it also means that this blog has a reason to stick around. Congratulations are due to the cast and crew who in the opinion of this humble blogger are doing a fantastic job!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Diary of a D'haran

First of all, I want to clear something up. We are D’Haran soldiers. Not Taharan soldiers. For some reason, that Seeker douche always sounds like he is using a “T” when he describes us.

Second, I am not some evil guy trying to kill everyone in the Midlands. I have a wife and a child at home. I’m earning an honest day’s pay wearing this sweet uniform and body armor. I get to keep order and peace in areas we take over. Most of these people are ignorant and dirt poor. They don’t give a damn if we stop a few rabble rousers from forming mobs or talking about overthrowing the government. The peasants want food and shelter, not liberty and justice.

Third, what is the deal with the Seeker? Isn’t he supposed to have the strength of a hundred men when he uses the Sword of Truth? Are these 100 sick, crippled, old dudes? Have you seen him fight? It takes him like five minutes to kill 4 D’Haran soldiers. That’s like 100 to 4 odds in his favor. My buddy James in the D’Haran Central Midlands Army (DCMA) says he even survived a fight with the Seeker. He told me that the Seeker attacked him and a fellow DCMA soldier in some attempt to save a little girl. It took the Seeker multiple attempts to kill his friend and he ended up just bashing James in the head with the hilt of the sword. Let me re-state that James told me this story. That means the guy who is supposed to wield a sword with the strength of 100 men hit James in the head with the hilt of a sword and did not kill him! He should have shattered James’ head into a thousand pieces! Maybe this guy isn’t really the Seeker. If he is I don’t think we have much to fear.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Inside Zedd's Robes

This is going to be the spot where we bring some inside information from Zedd himself. Coming attractions, ratings, and the status of the show. Posts will be as needed depending on content. Light one to start.

Ratings: Legend of the Seeker came in unchanged at a 1.6 live plus same day household rating. This is a continuing season low but the show still does better than previous syndication live action shows. Its future likely depends on what the producers at Disney-ABC think about the show.

Preview: Now I am not one of those people who scours the internet for previews of the show. I find it better to see the show how the creators intended it. If you want to see the trailer it is usually available at The Official Legend of the Seeker site. Anyways I will post the preview from TV Guide because it really does not give much away about the episode. The preview according to TV Guide is: "Kahlan disguises herself as a Mord-Sith with Richard's help." Picture goes here:

Yeah so that's going to happen. Well nothing but sexiness there. Not sure why any of this is necessary but it looks like the producers are going to try to get those ratings up one way or another. Anyways I will try to get the Legend of the Weeker post this weekend. Also keep an eye out for a D'haran soldier who has been trying to post around here.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Illiterate Midlands Peasant

I was the idea-man behind this blog.  Not the effort-man, or the writer-man, or the formatting-man.  Just the idea-man.  I discovered the epic television quest that is Legend of the Seeker from the safe confines of my sofa on one fateful Sunday.  I was the one who pushed for the creation of this blog. However, I am also the one who refuses to read any of the books.  In the spirit of the average Illiterate Midlands Peasant (or, IMP) I am restricting my knowledge of the Seeker strictly to information that can be relayed visually or orally and writing from the perspective of an IMP.  As a result, I may get some facts wrong.  I may be confused about the plot in a way that those who have read the Sword of Truth series will not be.  I also will never complain about the story "not being true to the book."  Because for this IMP, the books simply do not exist.

In addition to introducing myself in this initial post as the IMP, I would like to point out the things that confuse me about this particular episode.  Things that this IMP sees happen on the show that result in a "WTF?!" reaction.  First, WTF was up with that creepy doll?  Putting aside the pederast qualities of Zed and the little girl, why did the doll not tell the girl where to run to in the woods when she asked it?  I mean, as revealed at the end of the episode, the Zed Darken Rahl was talking to was a life-sized puppet. So, why couldn't the real Zed speak through the doll to tell the girl where to go?  WTF?! 

Second, when the girl (I believe her name is Rachel) runs out of the castle she gets lost. Even this IMP could remember the directions: run out of the castle until you reach the stream; follow the stream to the hill overlooking the castle.  I mean damn little girl.  I know you've been locked up and abused by an evil mini-Devils Wears Prada girl, but I would think that would have improved your memory.  If I got pimp-smacked every time I forgot one item in an elaborate list of wants given to me by my evil princess mistress you can be damn sure I would remember "go to the stream, follow it to the hill."  But she still gets lost.  WTF?! 

Third, I am just an IMP, but Richard was your plan really to shoot Darken Rahl with a crossbow??!  Haven't you been telling us over and over and over again that you were the only person who could kill Darken Rahl and you had to do so with the Sword of Truth?!  So, please forgive this IMP for being confused when you planned on killing the evil sorcer with a piece of wood launched by an everyday crossbow from 100 yards.  WTF?!

Fourth, and finally (for this episode), why on earth does the queen give her little evil daughter a key to the treasure room???!!  As an IMP I have never had any treasures, let alone a special room to put them in.  But giving your little creature a key to that room is just plain idiotic.  I don't understand it.  WTF?!

That's all for now kids.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Legend of the Weeker: Puppeteer

Synopsis: With two of the three Boxes of Orden already his, Darken Rahl sets out to get the final box from Queen Milena. The Queen is a despot who takes great joy in beheading those who oppose her even slightly. Her daughter, Princess Violet is a little brat who has a playmate, Rachel, that she constantly beats. It's her birthday and she is auditioning entertainment. Zedd decides that seeing there is noone more entertaining than him he will go entertain. By pretending to be a puppeteer he earns his way into the princess's stay. He befriends Rachel and manages to get into the vault where the Box of Orden is held. He creates a copy and after it is almost discovered by Darken Rahl himself, Rachel escapes the castle with the Box.

Meanwhile Richard and Kahlan are on a mission to delay the arrival of Darken Rahl. They try to confess Rahl's scout team, but seeing a scout grab Kahlan Richard kills him. They do get Rahl's order book and try to spring a trap where Richard will kill Rahl with a crossbow. Darken Rahl sees through the trap and they run into Rachel and the box. She warns them that Zedd was captured but alas it was yet another trick of the shifty wizard and the three escape with the box in their possession. In his rage, Rahl kills Queen Milena and enslaves her daughter. The episode ends with Rahl's warning sent to Richard through the order book: "I will find you"

Commentary: Overall a pretty decent episode. A week after barely seeing any of Zedd we got an episode that centers around him. The split-up of characters works pretty well as long as it isn't done every single episode. I think I would like to see more of the three of them on adventures together. This show definitely has some dark moments and while not as dark as the previous episode, there was still plenty of moments to make you cringe. Darken Rahl showed some more of his evil side by brutally murdering Queen Milena and condemning her daughter to slavery.

Richard and Kahlan's plan seemed a little too farfetched to work. Just hide in the woods with a crossbow? Doesn't he have to kill Rahl with the Sword of Truth? Glad to see Richard didn't kill the poor decoy. It was also good to see Richard in the fight, as I think for the first time he handled two soldiers with ease. The Sword is supposed to give him the strength of a hundred men, and usually he can barely handle two. Queen Milena and Princess Violet are pretty despicable characters and it was nice to see them get theirs. There were some weird moments. How exactly did Zedd manage to trick Darken Rahl with such ease? Darken Rahl has a wizard working for him or is he the wizard?

Richard and Kahlan Romance Index: 4 out of 10. After Denna exposed Kahlan's secret to Richard there was definitely some tension. Kahlan thought it necessary to lecture Richard about not letting his feelings get in the way of their mission after he saved her.

There was quite an emotionally charged moment when Richard was going to snipe Rahl with the crossbow. After she tells him that he could find someone to start a family with, the look in his eyes says that there is only one person that he wants to start a family with. The ending scene around a campfire provided the classic Kahlan and Richard look at one another when they come to the realization that they can't go home yet.

Zedd's Creepiness Factor: 9 out of 10. Umm he pretends to be a children's entertainer so that he can hang out with a ten year old girl. Also this:

He also transmits some sort of weird disease to Princess Violet when she catches him creeping around the castle. Yeah I know he's trying to get the Box of Orden but people probably have a right to be suspicious of him. I think the most shocking moment came when he made fun of Darken Rahl and then this happened:

Of course it was all a ruse and we find out that Zedd can create completely lifelike decoys of himself. I really hope that this is used in future episodes because it seems like quite a useful skill.

Notable Quotes:

Kahlan: "We had a rare opportunity and we missed it because you were being overprotective."

Zedd: "Rachel, you are now the most important person in the world."

Richard: "I have no family left."
Kahlan: "You could find somebody to start one with."

Zedd: "The great Darken Rahl, Master of D'Hara was defeated not by the Seeker nor by the First Wizard, but by a ten year old girl."

What to expect from this blog!

Birth of a legend (read: blog):

One glorious Sunday me and my roommate were sitting around in our ritual football watching. Two terrible teams were struggling to score and our interest had waned. I fell asleep and he began channel surfing. He ended up on a local station showing the series premiere of Legend of the Seeker. He was transfixed. As I awoke from my nap, I groggily asked: "What is this movie?" My roommate hit the INFO button and with our interest piqued we watched the remainder of the show.

As the first episode ended, I thought that the show wasn't bad but we didn't really expect to watch the show again. The following Sunday, we ran across it again. This time we deployed the DVR and began watching religiously. After the second episode, I had to find out what the story behind this show was. I pulled out the trusty laptop and plugged "Legend of the Seeker" into Google. What I saw blew my mind. A new show from the guy that did Hercules and Xena! New Zealand! Based on a best selling book series! Pretty young people! Creepy old man! Slow motion fighting! Nothing not to like.

We continued watching until one day this conversation happened:
Me: "We should start a Legend of the Seeker blog."
Roommate: "Do it. I'll help you if you create it. We'll be famous."
Me: "Are you serious? I don't know the first thing about blogging."
Roommate: "Just make it."

This continued for about 4 weeks. Finally after seeing yet another episode I fired together this webpage and a blog was born.

What to expect:

The meat and potatoes of this blog is going to be a weekly recap with the slightly hilarious title: "Legend of the Weeker". This will contain a brief synopsis as well as commentary on what occurs. We will also include running tracking on things like Richard/Kahlan chemistry index and Zedd's creepiness index. I am going to try to include screenshots and post this on Sunday but no later than Monday. I am starting with episode 9, Puppeteer, so they will be current. Depending on other work I will catch up with the previous episodes but priority will be on new episodes.

We spend a lot of time online so if something comes across the interwebs about the show we will post it. Other than that we plan to have posts about the cast and any other projects they are involved with. We will expand with other things as we see fit. Computer geekery is kind of a hobby for mine, but not a full time job so I still have to get the hang of all these new technologies but I will do my best. If you have any suggestions, don't hesitate to contact us.

Anyways enjoy your visit. Hope you come back.


Thanks for visiting.  Currently under construction, this is going to be a blog detailing the show Legend of the Seeker.  Check back for updates!