Synopsis: The episodes opens with D'haran soldiers hunting a man. Turns out it is Chase who runs into Kahlan and Richard. They quickly dispatch the soldiers that are hunting them. When they ask Chase what he has been up to, he tells them that he has been in a labor camp. Turns out that Gars have been going through the boundary. He tried to get some men together to fight the Gars. Unfortunately D'harans attacked the men and captured Chase.
He escaped because of the hope that rumors about Richard as the Seeker gives him. Richard decides to help out to because that's just what he does. They dress up as the D'harans. The gang walks up to the boundary where there is an arch. It's guarded by D'haran soldiers. They then make Kahlan look a little err... promiscuous, to pretend that she is a delivery for the Viceroy who seems to be in charge. Picture is necessary:
Anna is at the town as are a bunch of D'harans who seem to have a foothold. Michael leads a devotion to Rahl in the town square. A Gar attacks but the soldiers kill it. Richard then sneaks up on Michael and they take him prisoner. D'harans moved Chase's family and Michael doesn't know where they are. Michael tells the gang that the D'harans have been protecting Hartland.
The Viceroy that is in charge is seen hooking up with Anna, but she is just using him to try to find out what happened to her brother. She drugs him and Richard and Anna break into the viceroy's office. They found out that all the men have been taken to Northland Grove. As the gang goes there, they find out that it is a killing field where they feed dissidents to the Gars.
They then try to convince Michael about the D'harans. He realizes that he has been tricked into giving up the dissidents and is willing to help. Anna tries to seduce the viceroy but fails, stabbing him instead. She is captured and taken to the Gars. Of course Richard saves her, though in doing so exposes himself to the D'harans.
The D'harans are now going to close the boundary trapping Richard in Westland. The gang attacks the viceroy and his dudes as they go to blow up the boundary. In the process, Kahlan confesses the Viceroy although Michael is killed trying to save Richard. They find out that Chase's family in the Midlands in some sort of camp. Anna bids Richard goodbye. They also send a message to Darken Rahl that the Seeker is dead. The viceroy destroys the boundary and the gang leaves with Chase.
Commentary: I loved this episode. It was a lot of fun and had constant action. The last two episodes have been a little slow, not to mention that one was a clip show. As I mentioned before, Chase is probably one of my favorite secondary characters. It's great he is going to help out Richard and Kahlan on their quest, though I wonder what the writers have in mind for getting him and his family back through the boundary.
We also got to see Anna again. Undoubtedly, one of the trashiest dressers in Westland. I mean seriously. Noone else in this world dresses like that. I'm pretty sure everyone in Westland knows about her. She also caused some pretty awkward moments with Richard and Kahlan. I love when they bring out Kahlan's little bits of jealousy. Though she did suggest that Richard marries Anna after he completes his quest.
My minor quibble with this show was why didn't Kahlan confess the viceroy sooner? I mean that would have solved their problem pretty quick. Especially when they learned he was knocked out at Anna's. Just run and get her and then have her confess him as soon as he wakes up. Solve a lot of problems and Michael wouldn't have had to die.
Two stabby moments. First of all the viceroy is pretty badass taking a knife to the chest and then being fine. I loved when he came out bleeding to the prayer and asked Michael if there was any problem. Uh dude you are bleeding out of your chest. Lastly, I am ambivalent on the redemption from Michael before his death. This strays quite a ways from the plot of the books but that plot was probably a little dark for a syndicated action TV show.
Richard and Kahlan Romance Index: 6 out of 10. There were little bits of Kahlan's jealousy towards Anna. The ending where Anna hugs Richard and lets him know that he has a bigger destiny than her and other people to take care of.
The key moment between Richard and Kahlan had to be that little talk that they had about Anna. Kahlan knowing that they can't be together, tells Richard that he should marry Anna. He immediately replies that he can't marry her because he loves another. That defines their relationship pretty well. Kahlan tries to lead with her head but Richard always follows his heart.
Zedd's Creepiness Factor: 0 out of 10. Where is Zedd? Why isn't he creeping everyone out? WHERE IS HE?!!?
Notable Quotes:
Richard: "I've seen what Rahl's forces can do to people. If I can't protect my own village, what kind of Seeker am I?"
Michael: "People of Hartland. Let us pray. Master Rahl guide us. Master Rahl teach us. Master Rahl protect us."
Richard: "It wouldn't be fair to Anna."
Kahlan: "Why not?"
Richard: "How can I marry her when my heart belongs to someone else?"
Anna: "I'd ask you to stay but I know you have a bigger destiny. An other people that need you."
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